Chapter 16

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Dedicated to: @janiyahlovesu , because you voted on all my chapters, way before I hit 1K on this story, so I really want to thank you for that and for all your support! And to thank you for supporting me through those crappy chapters as well. I really appreciate it!  XOXO


*Recap of the last chapter: Amanda was telling Ryland about how June had turned all these people into an army, and now is a continuation of that conversation, which they are having in Amanda's 'office'*

"How does she do it if you were watching her every move?" Amanda wonders, turning her back on Ryland and staring at Rick, who is looking at the screen. 

Rick turns around, looking at Ryland for a moment, and then back at Amanda. 

"I'll accept the consequences" he says under his breath. 

Ryland's eyes widen, and she takes a step towards him.

"What? Rick. You weren't supposed to watch over her" Ryland turns to look at Amanda with wide eyes. 

"Amanda. he was supposed to watch over me" She says, pointing to herself. 

"Yeah, and Keeper still got away, and got Enchantress on the plan, and he couldn't do anything about it?" She questions, looking as Ryland closes her open mouth. 

Amanda waits for a second, waiting for Ryland to reply, and when she doesn't, she turns back to look at Rick. 

"I am your consequence" She says simply, her eyes holding no emotion 

"You might need to be careful" Deadshot's voice booms out from the top of the stairs. 

The three heads having the conversation turn to look at him, watching as he walks down the stairs. 

"They think we're rescuing Nelson Mandela" he says, walking over to them while he points behind him. 

Amanda shakes her head, and turns to look at the people on the computers. 

"Shut down and wipe the drives" She yells out, gaining a choruses of yes, and yes ma'am. 

Deadshot walks towards Rick and Ryland, who steps away from him, watching as Deadshot stops walking when he reaches Rick. 

"Hey man, I know you can't hear me cause you're trapped in your tempe of soldierly self-righteousness, but a two faced dude like you wouldn't survive a second on the street" He says. 

Rick stands upright, his eyes meeting Ryland's briefly, who is leaning on a table, her hands crossed over her chest, listening to the conversation.  

"Says the guy who shot dudes for money" Rick then says, turning back to look at Deadshot and  frowning at him. 

"My cards are on the table, man" Deadshot responds, holding his hands out in a defensive positions. 

"Got done, didn't it?" Rick questions, just as an echo of gunshots sound through the room. 

Ryland flinches, watching as Amanda shoots every person that isn't the four of them on the room, before putting her gun into her pocket. 

"What the hell?" Ryland whispers under her breath, her eyebrows furrowing as she watches what Amanda just did. 

"Damn. That is just a mean lady" She hears Deadshot say besides her, the comment directed towards Rick. 

Rick nods, and then turns back to look at Ryland. 

"You okay?" He asks, worried about how she might be about what just happened, to which Ryland responds. 

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