Chapter 19

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The minute Ryland steps out the building, she is covered head to toe in rain. 

 And she regrets ditching the coat back on the building. Well, she has regretted almost every decision she has made the past 24 hours. From deciding to come into this mission, to, apparently, ditching her coat. 

As they exit the building, she notices a person sitting on the top of a car, their shoulders drooping down, and they seem to be staring at something on their hand. 

It is only when she walks a few steps forward that she realises it's Harley. 

Her eyebrows rise in surprise, watching as Harley's sad demeanour changes into one of happiness as she smiles at them and waves. 

"Hey guys! I'm back!" She exclaims, then waving at Ryland. 

"Miss little Rylandddd" She exclaims, giggling at her. 

Ryland crosses her arms over her chest, forcing a quick smile before heaving out a sigh as she stops walking when the team and her reach the car she is sitting on. 

"I missed you all so much" Harley says, looking at the team, which are all looking back at her. 

 Rick is on the other side of the car, scanning the area with the rest of the soldiers before walking forward. 

"We're glad you could make it" Deadshot says, nodding at Harley. 

And strangley enough, Ryland finds herself feeling slight relief, that the crazy girl sitting on front of her was not dead. 

She watches as Deadshot steps forward, holding out his arms to grab Harley bridal style and then set her on the floor, before surrounding the car and moving forward. 

"Hey, craziness" Boomerang calls out, gaining her attention. 

Harley smiles back, waving at him gleefully.  

Ryland watches as he passes her the bat, and then walks forward, leaving Chato, Harley, KC and her. 

Then Ryland walks forward, digging her hands in her pants as she looks at Harley, who just stands there, motionless. 

"C'mon. I hate getting wet and staying here doesn't help" She mutters as she goes past Harley, gaining a soft and sympathetic smile from the crazy girl, who then trails after her, followed by KC and Chato. 

And that's when Ryland stops walking. 

Her breath hitches in her throat, as she balances on her feet, like in a trance, and she stands there, her eyes glowing crimson red, her face expressionless. 

"Hey, Flag?" Harley calls out, walking towards Ryland slowly and seeing her red eyes. 

"What?" He retorts, not looking at her as he walks forward 

"Is this normal for her to be doing?" Harley wonders. At her words Rick turns back, and locks eyes with Ryland, who is still standing there.  

"Ryland" he whispers in a panic as he rushes towards her. 

Ryland still stands there, an emotionless look on her face. 

"Keeper" Is the only thing Rick gets to hear from her mouth, before she vanishes into thin air. 

The second that Ryland stopped walking, she was transported to another place. Though she couldn't move, she could watch. 

Incubus stands there, the case for Enchantress's  Keepers heart there, laying wide open on his feet. 

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