Chapter 19(Tris)

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Today's my date with Four. I'm stuck with 3 shopacoholic girls and 1 being dragged into misery with me. Yesterday Nita was taking advances on  Four and I acted like I didn't care. Inside though I was thinking of ways to torture the girl. Why does everything have to be complicated god. I stuck with these problems yet answers are no where near me. I soon lose my thoughts as Christina throws me a dress. It's a sleeveless black dress that goes tight around the waist and goes to my thighs. It shows a little of my back but not too much that it shows my scars. I approve of it on some level. I put it on grumbling about shopping with freaks of the shoppers. I come out and the first to see me is Lynn. She looks impressed and she nods her head at me. Then Marlene, Shauna, and Chris see me and they freeze. They all suddenly squeal and talk something about needing shoes and what makeup will look perfect for my skin tone. I rolled my eyes at them and wait for them to stop talking. I realized that it is gonna take a while so I yell.

"Done this fit your standards to date?" 

"YES!!" they all screamed excluding Lynn. 

"I am gonna take this off and get into comfy clothes." I say as I rolled my eyes at their excitement.

I admit I am nervous about going on this date because this my first date at all. I'm worried that I will disappoint Four or I mess it up. I put on my clothes and the leave the fitting room where I see these blacks pumps shoes with padding inside the shoes. We buy the stuff and as soon as we are at my apartment they tie me up. Literally, tie me up. I struggled while Lynn was laughing at my misery. Whyyyy am I friends with these people? They add some blush on my cheeks and strawberry cherry lipgloss over my lips. They add mascara and eye liner.

"You're not gonna make me look pretty." I told them

"Who cares about pretty, I'm going for noticeable" Chrissy responded. 

I sigh at their antics and let them poke at my face. I learned that if I stay still it takes less time for my torture. Finally they finished but won't let my see myself yet. Marlene tosses my the dress while Shauna points to the closet where there is no mirror. I put the dress on in the closet and come out. They all nod their head while Christina looks at me like something is missing. She points towards the chair and I dejectedly walk there. They all look curious what Chris is gonna do. She takes out my ponytail and messes with it. I grumble about being abuse by the three while they shrugged their shoulders and banality ignore me. I feel hands into my hair and I will never admit it out loud  but it feels nice to have people messing with it. They put some water into my hair and rinse my hair. I then get it blow dry and tons of this puffy stuff came out of this can and into my hair. They all nod in approval about the texture of my hair. Wtf people I don't care how my hair feels. Then they brush my hair and then comb it. When no tangles can be felt they start to do this weird thing with my hair. I have no clue what they are doing but I guess trusting them is the best. Soon they all stop and look at me. They all high five each other while me and Lynn moaned as it is finally over. I look at the time as see I have ten minutes left before I'm picked up. I just hang out on the couch and just play on my phone. Soon the doorbell rings. I look back at the girls and they have their thumbs up. I gulped and take a breath. I open the door and I smiled a genuine one too. I look at Four and he was wearing a white muscle t-shirt with black pants. Over the t-shirt was a jean jacket and he help a rose. I look back at his face and see his jaw drop. I wave a little and he still remained unresponsive. I took the rose from his hand and give it to the girls. They all giggle except Lynn who just smirked. I went back out and got all my stuff. Four is a statue now and I guess there is no way to get him back. Welllll.... there maybe a way. I suddenly lean up close up to him and put my lips to his ears. 

"If you keep staring at me then you never go with me to our date where so other boy will come and get me." I whispered into his ears. 

He growled at that and then took me by the waist. 

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