Chapter 23(Tris)

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When I walked away from Four or Tobias, I felt my heart cracking more and more. I hated it. Emotions is what I kept in. I actually showed them and they end up to bite me in the ass. Figures. I was walking to the apartment when I heard a noise around me. I looked up to see nothing, but I feel something is watching me. I start to walk faster and more stiffly then before. I heard a crack and then I see a wolf. It looks rabid and hungry. The coat is all dirty and covered in blood. It starts to walk toward me slowly. He prowled toward me and I feel frozen. I warily look at it but back away slowly to make sure I don't make it snap at me. I see a stick lying to the side and make a dive towards it. I hold in front of me for protection. The wolf just growls at me. I run for it and don't look back. I can tell I will be the next meal unless I do something quick. I see a tree that I can probably grab and climb up quick. I do a sprint towards it and jump to grab it. I swing my weight and start to climb up. The wolf suddenly halts and starts scratching at the bark. 

I breathe heavily and make it up to the top where I can see most of the forest. I'm about a mile away from the apartment. I just need to jump until I'm out of the forest and into the clearing. Then I'm home clear. I start to walk toward the edge of the tree's branch and I jump toward the next tree. I see the wolf is waiting for me to make a mistake. I gulp and look away from the ground. I do it again until I'm at the last branch. You think my luck would be at the best right now and nothing could go wrong. Sadly, I am not that lucky. The branch suddenly snaps from my weight and I fall. Luckily, I rolled away into the clearing. Unluckily, the wolf heard it and is starting to come toward me. 

Well this is it. Where my life ends and I go up to heaven itself. maybe I will see mom there. 

As soon the wolf jumps another wolf jumps at it. I slowly look at the other wolf, and I recognize the fur of the wolf. Four. He is protecting  me and he growls at the wolf. They start to circle each other until the attacker wolf jumps at Four. He dodges out of the way and bites the wolf's leg. He howls in pain and tries to grab Four's tail. He uses his tail as a whip and hits him right in the snout. He tackles the wolf, and puts his claws on the throat of the wolf. The wolf whimpers and what I think shows forfeit. He lets go of the wolf. The other wolf runs away with his tail in between. 

Four starts to come forward to me slowly. I slightly lean back weary of what he will do. He circles me like he did before except more of a checking to see injures instead of trying to find your weakness to kill you. Once he deems me fit of no injuries he puts his head on my lap. I breathe heavily and I slump onto the ground. I drag my hand over my face and sigh. I tilt my head to see Four looking at me curiously at me. I roll over and he just nuzzles into my side of the ribs and hip. In all honesty, I'm glad Four came to the rescue even though I am still mad at him. I tuck in my face to the ground and just breathe in and out. The ground where I could have died on. Four is still poking my side and so I look up. He goes on top of me and lays on me. 

"Four, get off me. You're too heavy for you to lay on me." I told him

He ignored me and just cuddle into my abdomen. I relax and let out a sigh. I know I have to move though. I start to get up and he looks at me. I roll my eyes at him and motion for him to get up. 

"C'mon we have to get your clothes so you won't be nude when you turn human again." I humorously remarked at the confused face I was given.

I'm pretty sure he would blushing right now if he could. We start to walk toward the stream and he grabs his clothes and goes behind a bush. He comes out looking sheepish. I start to walk toward my apartment and he follows me. We soon get there and I just flop onto the couch looking at an upside-down Four. He walks toward me and sits next to me. I can tell he wants to say something but is afraid of my reaction. I turn to him and nudge him. Signaling to him to tell me what he wants to tell me. 

"I'm sorry," he says immediately

"For what?" I ask

"Not being there in time. Not telling you the stuff you want to know. Not walking you home protected." he listed

"You got there when it mattered. You figured your trying to protect me by withholding the information. And finally, I wouldn't have let you come with me in the first place."  I reasoned to  him

"I could have done better though," he said

"Maybe. Maybe there's more we all could have done," I say, "but we just have to let the guilt remind us to better next time." 

He looks at me surprised. I just shrug my shoulders and look away. I look anywhere but him. 

"Where you hear that?" he questioned me while raising his hand to cup my jar better. 

"Something my parents believed in. Something I learned to respect but also use it when needed." 

I get up and go to the kitchen. I retreat to the fridge and grab the left over pasta I made. I had hand some to Four after I heat it up. We finished eating and I just sit with him in an awkward silence. 

"Sleep in the guest room or couch. There should be clothes though I don't know if they will fit you. We can talk tomorrow or just go out with our friends tomorrow. Just get some sleep." 

I head back toward my room but stop for a moment. 

"Thank you," I finally say, " for saving me and giving me the patience you have." I turn around and head into my room closing the door behind me. I slump to the floor and just let my head hit the door lightly. I breathe in a deep breath and just relax there for a bit. I get up again and change into my pajamas and get into bed. Hoping that tomorrow will be better, that nothing wrong will happen. But I know that the more things stay right the worst it will be when it is gonna be the turning point for me. 

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