New Year, Old Dorm, No Roomate!... Oh Fuck.

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"Keith! Welcome back!" said some fellow student as he walked by.

The black haired boy replied with a grunt, adjusting his grip on the boxes in his arms. After climbing two flights of stairs (The elevator was too crowded for his liking), Keith finally reached his floor. His dorm room was at the end of the hallway, far away from the usual dorms most known for parties. While students got wasted, he was half naked on his bed, finishing homework. 

With one hand, he managed to use his key to get into the dorm. Shakely, he put down the boxes and stretched his arms. A few more boxes, grunts, sighs, and complaining about the broken air conditioning, he had finally unpacked his boxes. 

"Thank god." he sighed, tossing himself onto his bed.

He roughly dragged his hands over his face. He could finally rest. Not once in his life did he have to wait for a room mate, or worry about the suffering that came along with having a person live with you through out the school year. Every year he asked his child hood friend,  Pidge to hack into the school system and relocate any dorm mate that had been assigned to him. Despite it being a federal offence, Pidge had her fun and Keith got a peaceful school year.

I wonder if Pidge got her computer skills from her past life he thought suddenly. It was common for habits or characteristics to be passed on from other life/lives in the past. Pidge had loved taking things apart and putting them together since she was a toddler, it wouldn't have been surprising if she was some sort of computer specialist before. The mark on her neck was a 3. Three lives she had lived, it was always a possibility. 

Keith closed his tired eyes. Slowly, but surely, his body began to grow heavy and lazy, finally shutting down. He sighed with a small smile. Sighing seemed to be his favorite expression. Suddenly the silence and peace was over with a loud knocking at the door. Keith jumped up, startled. He rubbed his eyes and blinked. Was that just his imagination? Nope, the knocking returned. 

Who the fuck- Pardon me Whom the fuck is at the door? Keith got up regretfully. He swung the door open and almost immediately was pushed to the side. Caught off guard by this action, he stumbled back.

"Jesus christ man, open the door faster next time. I can barely hold these boxes up any longer!"

The owner of the voice was a tall, tanned skin boy with brown hair. Keith had never seen him before and had probably never been more confused in his life. The thud of boxes falling to the floor right beside the unoccupied bed in the corner of the room, snapped Keith out of his daze.

"Wait, who the fuck are you?!" He suddenly snapped.

The tanned boy cracked his knuckles and looked a bit  confused at Keith. His eyes suddenly widened.

"Oh yeah! Sorry, I'm Lance. Lance McClain."

"Lance McClain" had his hand stuck out. Keith simply glanced at it and crossed his arms.

"And why are you in my dorm?"

Lance cocked his head in confusion making Keith realize that he was missing out on something.

"Hm. You must've not gotten the email. The dorm house I usually live in got flooded. There are pretty bad damages, so I was relocated!" Lance said with a bit too much enthusiasm.

Keith's jaw dropped a bit. There had to be some mistake!

"No." Was all that escaped his lips.

"No, what?"

"There is no fucking way I'm sharing a dorm with you." He growled, turning around to search for something.

"Well jeez man, you dont have to be so rude about it. I was assigned here, I didnt chose to be here." Lance said in distaste.

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