Chapter 4

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Today was Levi's last day at work. He would still be working, of course, but he had the liberty to choose to stay home for as long as he liked. His company was merged with Titan de Wall Constructions (A/N: Sorry not sorry), one of the biggest construction families, and Ackerman Steel would soon be bigger than it already was. Levi would enjoy the luxury of his suburban home and quadrupled earnings. He was merely here to sign the final paperwork and force himself to socialize at the celebratory party. His idea of celebration was trying new toys on trussed up slaves but that didn't seem like such a possibility these days. Moreover, he had taken on the responsibility of a complete stranger. Tch! How the mighty have fallen!

True to her word, Hanji had called him sharp at 1:04 pm and a meeting had been set with Levi's family lawyer, Erwin Smith. Smith was older than Levi by a couple of years and had been Levi's mentor since his struggling days. He had taught Levi the ropes of being a shrewd businessman and treated him like a little brother. He was one of the chosen few on the outside who knew that Levi was a Dom.

Erwin looked over the papers and his thick eyebrows unconsciously rose. Just when Hanji thought that Erwin was not going to be able to help her out, a wide smile took over his face.

"I have read everything, and I know what must be done. You'll hear from me in a couple of days." He said with the smile still intact on his face. Levi looked bored as if this meeting was nothing more than just a formality. It wasn't. He knew Erwin would work his magic and the Leonharts would be reduced to shit by the time Eyebrows was done with them.

Later, Levi took an early leave from the celebratory party and drove home. He hated people and more so, stupid people.

This was perhaps one of the shittiest days of his life as he soon found himself riding the metro. Reason? Well long story short, his car broke down midway and there were no pickups available for an incredibly long time. Finally, after having his car towed and another hour spent in vain searching for cabs, he decided to go back to his old days and take the train home. He wasn't ashamed of his hard upbringing, but he preferred to cover up his past with material comforts of the present. Well, once wouldn't hurt.

The train was sufficiently crowded but Levi managed to find a seat. The person next to him though was a little too close for comfort. So close in fact Levi could time the intervals between the man's breaths. Unfortunately, that was not the only thing the stranger wanted him to hear. This man was having a raunchy time with his boy toy on the phone and had no care in the world for the bystanders or their collective discomfort.

Levi didn't realise when he became attuned to the hot and heavy conversation. The man was in his mid thirties and his voice was deep. He kept licking his lips and occasionally biting the lower one in between moans and orders.

"Sit on your fours baby boy and rub your hard cock, you know how daddy likes it."

Levi could hear whimpers coming from the other end of the line. Maybe the man next to him was the reason his entire coach was unusually quiet. Since Levi spotted few hard-ons right in front of him, he chose to keep his face averted.

"Squirt the cold lube on your fingers and squeeze that thing up and down like daddy taught you. Mmm . . . I think my baby boy is getting harder with daddy's voice in his ear." The boy on the other end was whimpering and moaning in agony. That sent shivers down Levi's back. It's just words. This should not have turned him on, but damn all to hell, this was so HOT!

"Tie your legs to the bed," he waited for the boy to follow his instructions. "Now put a finger inside your tight hole, nice and slow, all the way up." The boy was screaming and breathing heavily.

"Put the ring around your cock, sweetheart." The boy must have protested at that. "Baby boy, if I find out you cheated when I get home, I will tie your hands and leave it on all day tomorrow. Now put the ring around it and set it to maximum." The man looked heavenward and let loose a long breath. Levi's trousers were suddenly feeling tight. The man in front of him was sporting a hard-on of his own. Get that away from my face!

The boy on the line begged that he was about to come.

"Oh no sweetling," the man straightened and held the phone harder, "if you come before Daddy gets home, there will be consequences. Now let that ring vibrate and don't touch yourself until I get there. If I see come, I will spank you till I brand your soft bum with my palm. See you in an hour."

One hour? That boy sounded like he would come in one second!

Levi's mouth ran dry. He had exercised similar punishments on slaves, but this guy seemed like the master of Doms. Just a couple of words spoken and his raspy voice had brought a helpless boy and at least sixty passengers including Levi on the brink of ecstasy. He didn't realise he was staring at the man when the latter looked up and smirked at Levi.

"Like what you heard?"

"What are you talking about?" Levi gave his signature boorish look to the still smirking man. He was quite good-looking.

"Save it, Sexy Eyes. Here," the man fetched a card from his trouser pocket. It was a black card with some numbers etched in golden on one side.

The man got up and said, "If you need a hand with that, call me." He shamelessly pointed at Levi's very obvious hard-on and just like that, as the station arrived, left the train. The entire coach heaved uncomfortable sighs of relief. Levi had to get down after two stations but had no slave to go home to. It was going to be a cold and lonely night for him. Why would I call a man like that?

He looked at the card and mindlessly stuffed it in his suit jacket and got up to stand near the door. 

He came home to find Petra passed out on the couch. Tch! Such security.

He went to his room and changed into a pair of comfortable tracks and fitting white T-shirt all the while replaying the conversation he overheard in the train. He brushed it aside for now deciding to check up on Emerald. The boy seemed like he was sleeping. As Levi approached his bed, he realised Emerald was shirtless. The blanket on the boy's body was shuffled into one corner and his skin was covered in a layer of sweat.

The fever must have broken.

Levi bent down to touch the boy's forehead. It seemed normal. Levi let his hand stay for a bit longer than necessary. He gazed at the boy's face. He seemed to be troubled. He had thick and long eyelashes. His forehead had the slightest frown and his fists were curled tight as if he were fighting something in his sleep. Levi could not imagine the horrors he must have faced to lose his speech. The boy stirred and Levi retracted his hand immediately. Assured that Emerald was still asleep, Levi pulled the blanket to his chest and went back to his room deciding to call it an early night.

~End of Chapter 4~


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