Chapter 26

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A/N: What did I do? Go AWOL for a month! What happened? Buried under assignments! How do I make up for it? By posting a long chapter with a sprinkle of smut! What else? Keep updates regular and excuses minimum! Aye Aye, reader-san! Gommennasai :/

Also 40K views? What are you saying!? You da best. I wuv each and every one of you! <3 <3 <3

"Why are we turning here, sen—"

"I can't take you out like this." Levi carried Eren into Hanji's office and had him lie down on a comfortable leather sofa by the wall. He rummaged through the closet on the opposite side and fetched out a clean white shirt and black dress pants. Hanji's masculine tastes in couture were a blessing in disguise. Her frame was slightly more built than Eren's.

"I dared not open any other drawers. Are you fine being without any underpants?"

Although Levi delivered those words in a bored tone, Eren could not contain a cheeky smile.

"I don't know, should I be?" he took the clothes from Levi before an idea popped in his head.

The corner of Levi's lips curled in the slightest before he turned around to give Eren some space to change. A hand curled around his wrist instantly causing him to turn around. Eren let go of the red sheet he was clutching over his chest and the cloth pooled around his legs.

Levi dared not let his gaze stray past Eren's flushed face. He gulped in the slightest before stoically saying, "You have no idea what you're doing."

"I don't?" Eren boldly moved forward and cupped Levi's half-mast.

"Don't do th—" Levi groaned.

"Do what?" Eren's hand began stroking Levi's front.

His other hand lasciviously climbed up Levi's torso before it came around his nape. He pulled Levi lower so their lips could touch in the faintest kiss. He boldly swiped his tongue across Levi's lower lip before gently nipping the soft flesh with his pearl white teeth. He could feel Levi's cock become harder and harder in his grip.

Levi gave in to temptation.

He swooped low to ravage the younger male's mouth. Their tongues tangled in a war for domination and their bodies rubbed against each other to feed friction to their painfully aroused members. Levi's fingers grew a mind of their own as they ruthlessly tousled with the boy's hair in an attempt to pull him closer. Eren gasped at the urgency in his movements and shivered close to Levi when he felt something cold against his back. Levi had pinned him against a wall and was ferociously deepening their kiss.

They kept kissing and grinding each other till they were both out of breath. Levi was the first to break away from the kiss.

"Get changed," he walked away and slammed the door on his way out.

Eren stood there dumbfounded, not knowing what went wrong. He quietly dressed and left the room only to find Levi standing outside the door waiting to escort him out.

When they entered the main area, they were greeted with hoots and cheers. Eren bashfully looked away while Hanji continued her over the top cat-calling. Annie and Bertolt scoffed in unison. The Leonhart siblings were in cuffs and Reiner needed two guards on all sides to hold him down. Levi noticed some top police officials talking to Erwin. A medical team assisted Jean and Mikasa before attending to him and Eren. Erwin had really invited the entire parade here.

After the medical team left his side, FBI head Dot Pixis walked toward Levi and thanked him, "Mr. Ackerman, thank you for giving us the tip-off. Our team has recorded all the intel you gathered today and it ha—"

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