Chapter 14

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A/N: A lot is about to happen next and we only have a few more chapters to go! This one is dedicated to the best readers anyone could ask for! Thank you for your love and support! <3 <3 <3

Levi knew exactly where he stood, so he didn't need the light to go toward the open kitchen. He stumbled toward the top cupboards that housed a flashlight. He may have to fix the fuse. Suddenly, he heard the soft thud again. Only this time, it was closer.

Something was off and it was not the light.

It was way past midnight and he knew that Jean and Emerald slept by 12:00 am. Someone was definitely lurking behind him.

Then was the blackout planned? It must be the Leonharts! They may have sent someone to hurt Emerald. Levi confidently stood against the kitchen counter where he was allowing the perp to make the first move. He had to let them know that he hadn't heard them yet.

Suddenly, the footsteps seemed rushing toward him and it seemed like the perp was about to attack. Levi turned around at the last second and grabbed the opponent's arms. He twisted them and turned their (A/N: since their gender is unknown, the assassin will be referred to using 'they') arms around their back, sandwiching them between himself and the kitchen counter. The perp's hands were soft. Maybe a woman? They cried like a small dog that was stepped on. A sharp clank sounded just beside Levi's feet. This egg was going to stab him!

"Not very good at your job, are you lackey? Trying to take me out all by yourself. The Leonharts must be desperate to send a rookie like you to my house. You were trying to take the boy, weren't you!?"

The perp was wordlessly struggling in Levi's stronghold. Their back was to Levi's front and in the darkness—and due to his semi-drunk condition—Levi couldn't make out their face.

"Let's see your pig face before I smash it to bits." Levi turned them around, still holding their arms behind their back.

Levi could still not make out their face but the person's body was quite slim. How did this person pass their training?

Levi changed his tone, "You seem so soft. Were you seriously here to stab me or get me to fuck you?"

He heard a sharp intake of breath. Levi used one hand to keep their hands behind their back and grabbed the person's face. He still couldn't get if they were a man or a woman. Their cheeks were defined yet soft.

"Well they sure have done their research, eh? Just by touching your skin, I can say I want a bite. How about here," Levi drunkenly moved his fingers in the dark till he finally reached the perp's lips. They were trembling and creamy soft.

"Amazing," Levi pressed against the perp to find something poking against his thigh. So it's a boy.

"I see. Being bound turns you on."

The boy tried to free his wrists; a movement that made his pelvis grind against Levi's thigh.

"Impatient, are we?" Levi's hand moved from the boys face and trailed downward. His fingers gently circled the boy's erect nipples and went still below. The boy's aching hard-on must be leaking pre-cum as the tip created a wet spot on his pant-front. The back of Levi's fingers brushed above the tent in the boy's pants and he bent low as if to kiss the cute assassin. The boy's skin broke out into bazillion goosebumps and just when he thought their lips were about to press together, Levi went still.

"Scared, aren't you?" Levi whispered before releasing the boy's arms. He stepped back and the boy seemed to breathe easy.

"I was too, earlier today. So was the boy you were trying to capture for your bastard bosses. No one wants to be forced or raped or tortured. Without seeing your face, I could sense your reluctance. It's anyone's guess that you're not cut out for this job. Don't worry. I am not going to hurt you. You are free to leave." The boy took a step toward Levi and just stood there.

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