Chapter 17

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(A/N: Two kinds of revelations coming up in the following chapters *winks with finger guns*. Let's see if my mystery-loving readers can piece the puzzle together! Love and some more love to new readers and old! :* :* :* <3 <3 <3)

It felt so unusual. The boy who was fiercely recluse and shy around him was finally talking. It must have been an agony to keep mum about everything that happened. To have suffered in silence, to have kept it bottled up so much that he did not even confide into those who were looking out for him.

"You . . ." Levi swooped low and embraced him. Emerald was shocked and went as still as a post. He is hugging me, just because I spoke a little?

Levi's grip tightened around him and Emerald lost himself in the warmth of his hold. Feebly, he brought his arms around and hooked them at the base of Levi's naked back.

"I want to know, what happened that night. What did you see in there that had you escape from there all alone?" Levi whispered in his ear.

"No . . . please . . ."

"Get if off your chest. Then you can move on. Then we can . . ." Levi leaned back and looked into his eyes. The sparkling green orbs shimmered with pain.

Emerald hesitated but gave in, "The Leonharts never stayed at the club. They always took slaves back to their hotel. Every slave who returned from their stay would complain to us about the miserable treatment they received but not to Madam. In exchange for their silence, the Leonharts gave them a lot of tips.

"Soon it was our turn. Work was work and since no one had told Madam anything, we decided to get it over with. Surprisingly, Angel and I were not asked to go to their hotel but to ride a limo with some guys in black suits. It took about an hour to reach and we didn't know where we were going since the windows on either side were covered. As soon as we reached, they took us to a lab like place. At first we thought it was an elaborate foreplay but it turned out . . .

"We ventured a little and came across a room where there were girls and boys our age, some older ones too, sitting in a chair with something attached to their heads. The men asked us to wait there but Angel found something suspicious. Even after I warned him not to, he snuck up behind the black suited guys. He had apparently overheard something before he quietly returned to where we were asked to wait. He said they were planning on doing something with our brains and that I should help him rescue everyone.

"He started waking everybody and I pointed them to the exit. Angel whispered something in their ear and they got up immediately as if they were snapped out from a trance. It seems Angel overheard them talk about some kind of trigger and it worked. Suddenly, I heard a thud and saw Angel fallen to the ground and there was blood coming out of his head. He was shot by Miss Annie. I wanted to help him, to cry, to scream but I could only feel anger; anger at the one who killed such a wonderful boy. I didn't think. I just got up and started running. I don't remember anything about how I reached the institute again." That was the longest he had spoken.

Levi let it all sink in. The boy started crying somewhere after he mentioned his friend. He must have been someone dear to Emerald for him to cry like this. Levi did not wipe his tears. He figured that Emerald would feel much lighter if he let it all out of his system.

After it seemed like he was done, Levi placed a peck on his forehead and embraced him again. Emerald buried his head in his bare chest and let the remnants of his tears roll between them. Levi caressed the back of his head and cooed words of encouragement in his ear before letting him go.

"Turn around, close your eyes and wait," Levi commanded. Emerald followed the instructions.

Levi changed his towel for a pair of charcoal black tracks and a soft baby blue sweater.

"Come," he held Emerald's hand and walked him to the bed. He coaxed the younger male into a sleeping position, then climbed the bed from the side and pulled a comforter over them. Levi put his arm over him so Emerald became the little spoon.

"You did well, pet. Get some rest."

In a few moments, Levi's breathing became laboured and Emerald could hear soft snores near his ear. This man!

"Umm, senpai . . . are we not?"

"Just sleep, brat," his voice croaked. Damn, senpai's sleepy voice is sooo . . . UGH! I did not come here for spooning! I have to make him forget that hyena, Joe.

Emerald tried to summon his latent seductive powers and suddenly got an idea. He entwined his fingers with Levi's that were protectively wrapped around him and gently lifted his hoodie. He brought their hands low and sneaked them under the thick grey material. Emerald shivered when Levi's cold fingers came in contact with his bare chest.

He pressed his hand harder on his stomach and goosebumps took over his entire body.

"Don't start what you can't finish, brat."

"I'm not doing anything, Sir," Emerald cheekily said before slowly running their joined hands over his abdomen and trailing them over the waistband of his tracks. AH! Damn!

"Okay, that's it!" Levi pulled his hand away and sat up on the bed, "I was trying to respect you there by not doing anything."

"I want senpai to do the exact opposite."

"What is this really about? And don't give me that apology bullshit or I'll get mad again."

"Oh so it's okay for Joe to feel you up but when I . . ." Emerald mumbled and trailed off before finishing the sentence.

Levi looked away for a second before focussing his eyes on him. I'll be damned! That stupid jealousy thing actually worked!

"You're jealous?" He smirked.

Emerald rolled his eyes and blew a raspberry, "Pppfffrrrrhhhttt! Who's jealous?"

"You are. Your face is absolutely red, by the way. You really want this?"

Emerald looked away and gave a stiff nod.

"You sure? I won't stop if I start."

He gulped but gave an indifferent shrug.

"Well," Levi grabbed Emerald's knees and spread them apart, "it's your funeral."

"F-fune-ral?" the boy laughed nervously.

Levi smiled like the devil himself, "Mm-hmm, because I'm going to fuck you till you die."


~End of Chapter 17~

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