Chapter 12

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A/N: 4k reads. Wutttttttttttttttttttttttttttt???? ^8^ Cannot thank you guys enough :* :* :*

Disclaimer: The following chapter uses strong language and themes of non-consensual sex. Readers are forewarned.

An hour later:

"I cannot believe we made it alive," Levi sighed. Miche had only half a beer so he could drive. Levi's buzz had worn off and it was definitely not due to the lack of alcohol.

"Haha! You are a bag of laughs," Miche grudgingly said. Tooters was only half an hour away from Levi's desired destination, Hotel Rose, but it had taken them almost an hour to reach. Miche was driving at an underwhelming speed; more like . . . a sloth. He had the exclusive pleasure of Levi's sarcasm and occasional tsks.

They took the key to from the reception and headed toward the elevator.

"I am serious, my body is not used to such adrenalin," Levi stepped out to the penthouse floor.

Miche entered the room behind Levi and shut the door. He yanked Levi's wrist hard and when they were inches away, asked, "Then what kind of adrenalin is your body used to?"

Levi had not bothered to measure Miche. He seemed like he didn't know/care much about world affairs or politics to know that Levi was a big shot. Even when Levi had explained that he into the S and M lifestyle, Miche took it well. Unusually well . . . Hell, if anything, he became more excited about their night together. Levi was not elated at the thought somehow, just plain content. He liked Miche but did not think much of him. Not as much as . . .

"I will show you rather than tell you, slave," Levi grabbed Miche by his belt and tugged him toward the expansive bedroom.

Miche stopped mid-track, "Woah, woah, woah. Wait. Are you saying you want to top?"

Levi raised a brow as if suggesting "what other way is there?/what makes you think I am the bottom?/you mean you topping me? LOL!"

"Of course. Didn't I mention that I am a Dom?" Levi was genuinely thinking back to their conversation.

Miche stepped forward and grabbed Levi's taut ass, "Nah babe. I always top. Besides, I am taller than you."

Levi narrowed his eyes and shoved Miche's hand away.

"Only by half an inch. Height has nothing to do with this, 'babe,'" Levi mocked his tone, "A Dom is a natural top."

"Oh so you want me to be your bitch? Sorry doll, that ain't happening tonight. Now strip for daddy."

He shoved him against the nearby wall and forced his lips on Levi's. Levi realised what was happening. For the second time, his instinct about someone had been wrong. Levi was resisting Miche's advances but the taller male kept forcing his hand over Levi's crotch.

He kept saying things like, "Hey, give it a shot. You'll love it," "It's so hard to find guys who have rape fantasies," and "I'll fuck you till you bleed," over and over making Levi internally groan.

So this glorious idjit didn't know about BDSM after all. Maybe, he became excited then because he thought domination was about hurting people and getting kicks from it. What a psycho! He had really created some non-existent similarities between rape and BDSM. He must definitely think that a Sub was a willing victim to any and every actions of a Dom. That's wrong. SO WRONG.

Why why why had he listened to Joe? He pushed at Miche's chest to get him away but Miche grabbed both his hands and pinned him to the wall. He slapped Levi's face hard.

"Stop pushing me, shorty. Actually don't. Your playing hard-to-get act is exciting me more," he groaned. He didn't care that Levi wasn't into it anymore. He was choking Levi's neck with one hand and pressing his lips with more force.

Levi had to act fast. He slowly got his right foot up and rubbed his knee on Miche's leg. The latter thought Levi was getting into it. Just as Miche broke the kiss and moved back, Levi brought the knee hard on his groin. The taller male groaned at the damaging blow. He was writhing in pain lying down on the floor. Levi walked around him and kicked the man's tailbone till he saw tears coming from his eyes.

"You made a mistake, Miche. You messed with the wrong 'bitch'. Next time you even think of raping someone, you'll find yourself in a correctional facility where they will show you how rape is actually done."

Levi walked out of the hotel and collected his car keys from the valet. Just as he was about to sit, he heard someone call him. Not by his name though . . .

"Hey Sexy Eyes! Wait! Ohhh—waiii."

Joe seemed like he came running here.

"Get out of my sight," Levi said coolly and got into his car. He was about to put it in ignition when Joe got into the passenger seat.

"Let meee—hold, huaaa, my breat—Are you okay?"

"Do I look okay?" Levi turned to him with a painful expression. Marco could see the imprint of fingers on his cheek, "That man! He . . . was about to . . ."

"That's why I-ah came as fast as I could-ah. The bartender, he-ah recognised him after you left. Said ah few regular patrons had gone missing after they went with him. He's ah suspect in-ah two cases. I came as fast as I could."

"How did you even know where I was—"

"Your drunk ass messaged me the address, idiot. See!" Joe showed his phone. He had jabbed at Levi to use a condom and not do it in the wild like a heathen. Levi had jokingly flaunted saying he would be 'dining' at Hotel Rose's penthouse.

Levi was glad for all the kickboxing and Krav Maga lessons he diligently followed. He was going to do it after he reached home but he took out his phone and typed out a brisk message.

Code R. Hotel Rose, Penthouse. Blond. Broken tailbone.

The reply was almost instant.

Will be taken care of.

Levi drove them to his mansion which was not more than ten minutes away.

The car screeched to a halt and Levi killed the switch, "Get yourself a cab."

Levi walked out of his car toward his front door. Joe followed him.

"Yo! Sexy Eyes! Wait up." Levi stopped and Joe caught up to him.

"What are you—"

Joe grabbed Levi's waist and kissed him smack on the mouth.

~End of Chapter 12~


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