Chapter 18

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A/N: DISCLAIMER!!!!!!! This chapter is R18, contains strong sexual language and is not relevant to the plot after the dialogues written in bold. Those who find smut offensive, intolerable or 'ucky' can give this one a skip. UNDERAGE READERS ARE FOREWARNED.

Dedicated to all my fujoshi and fudanshi brethren. Hope it suffices . . . for now *laughs like the devil*

P.S. This is what you came for, innit? :/ :/ :/


Somewhere in Seattle:

"You came empty-handed. Where is he?"

"He was one step ahead. He has hired a trained assassin to keep a close watch on the boy."

A slap landed hard across his face. "Was I not clear when I expressly warned you to not underestimate the likes of him?"

"It's okay, brother! We don't need this germ. We have the next best thing."


Levi was seriously enjoying this. Hardly a few minutes into his bold declarations and Emerald already looked like he had made the biggest mistake of his life. The boy immediately jumped off the bed and stood a foot or so away.

Levi lazily got up and smirked at him. At least he hadn't run away. Yet.

To push his buttons, Levi fetched some paraphernalia from his bottom drawer and presented them with a flourish: a pair of handcuffs, a red satin sash, a bottle of lube, and condoms. Yes, condoms plural.

Emerald grew pale.

"What's wrong?"

"Um . . . Ca-can I do it m-my way instead?"

"Really? And which way is that?" Levi folded his hands across his chest and gave him a cool once-over.

"I will put yours in me and uh . . . then I can move. Y–you don't need to do anything. I–if you don't like it, you can close your eyes and pretend it's someone else. P–pretend that it's Mr Joe," Emerald hesitated in finishing up that sentence. He dared to take a peek at Levi's face and saw a passing glint of silver light reflect around his irises.

"Oi," Levi grabbed his waist and pulled him hard to his chest, "drill it in your brain if you wish; I did not touch him like this," Levi slanted his head closer and gently kissed his cheek.

"Or like this," he turned his head to the opposite side and pecked him harder on the other.

"Or like this," Levi left a whisper of a distance between their lips.

Emerald felt an inexplicable joy overcome him. He stood on his tiptoes and pressed his lips to Levi.

It took only a second for the older male to join him.

Levi had not shaved today so his light beard was grazing the younger male's chin. Levi clasped his fingers around the boy's nape and pulled him further into the kiss causing him to gasp. The action allowed Levi's tongue to slide into the slippery warmth of Emerald's cavern. The latter instantly let go of all self-control and rolled his tongue over Levi's. Their tongues tangled together in a velvety wet duel.

Emerald's hands snaked around his neck on their own accord and he pressed the entire length of his body against Levi's.

In his daze and desire to feel Levi all over him, he did not even realise when Levi had brought them back on to the bed. Man, this man could kiss!

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