Special Chapter 03

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*tears up with joy and gratitude* Thank you to all the readers who've been voting and commenting on the story so far. One more special chapter will hit your screens soon after this. And then the epilogue you've been waiting for :* :* :*

"You–you're not...I thought that–"

"You're right, pretty angel. I may not be Victor but I'm not your boyfriend either." The silver-haired man leaned closer and closer toward Eren like a starving predator. His face looked familiar, but he was a stranger. A stranger who looked like he'd bring you to your knees with a cock of his eyebrow. His aura was so captivating that Eren began trembling like a stray leaf in the wind.

In a sudden flash, the client grabbed his waist and pulled his naked body close. Eren audibly gasped when a small steel ball was pressed against his pucker. "Don't worry, you're still wet here so they'll slide right in," the client's soft breaths sounded right next to his ear, as he inched the cold toy slowly inside Eren's warm entrance. Eren's legs began to shake uncontrollably and if it wasn't for the client holding him, he'd have melted on the foot of the pole behind him.

The ball was fully inside Eren, but the client didn't barge an inch. He was trying to put another one in. "Ah...please m-monsieur." When the second ball entered his opening, Eren's hands instinctively grabbed the strange man's shoulders for support.

The client immediately backed away to gather Eren's clothes. He handed him the pile and instructed Eren to dress up the same way he had when he entered the parlour.

"Please...monsieur. I can't. I can't do this. I love hi–"

"You betrayed him the second you gave me your sweet cum in my mouth. Now, do as I say. I'm not a very patient man, sweetling."

The client went back and resumed his seat on the couch. Eren threw the clothes aside and bent low to sound the alarm but the balls moved inside him causing him to lose balance and fall on the podium on his knees. What was worse, the alarm was not operational anymore. With rage-filled eyes, he mercilessly kept pressing the button but it simply came loose and rolled to the floor. The tip of a shoe pressed against his entrance and a voice boomed overhead, "I made some changes to your safety alarm before you walked in. If you're going to try running to the entrance next," the client poked his shoe harder making the balls press against each other inside Eren, "let me burst that bubble for you too – it's locked. I control everything inside this room, including you, mon chéri!"

He swiftly bent and pulled Eren up by his hair. "You'll wear the clothes and dance for me, sweetling. But first, you'll take your punishment like a good slave." In the next moment, they were both on the couch – Eren was across the client's knee and the soft flesh on his ass was being kneaded. The client massaged Eren's tongue with two fingers and let his other hand caress the smooth surface of Eren's backside.

"I'm going to spank you five times, sweet boy and you will count out loud. Remember to use clear words. If you miss a count or even a single syllable is out of place, I'll start over."

Counting was fine but the fingers rolling around his tongue, when was the client going to take them out?

"Ready?" The client got no response from Eren as he'd expected. He gave one last squeeze to Eren's ass cheeks before slapping them hard.


"Hmm, sorry. That's not how you say it, is it? Let's start over. From 'one'."

Eren's eyes widened. The impact of hard spank was smarting against his ass and the steel balls rolled inside him with every twitch and move of his tush.

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