Chapter 15

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Shitty Glasses could not have chosen a worse day!

After the night he had had, Levi was in no mood to leave his study. Yeah! That's where he slept because a certain someone was sprawled over every inch of his king-sized bed.

Well saying 'slept' would be a bit of a stretch. Every time Levi closed his eyes, he would remember Emerald's supple body writhing against him — the kiss they shared and the cute mews he let out when Levi squeezed his perfect ass. Levi was drooling in his chair until he remembered the marks on Emerald's wrists. The lonely night had become an endless cycle of passion-filled dreams and healthy amounts of guilt. Pain used to arouse me, and now . . .

He ended up half asleep in his chair and his discomfort made him rise early. He spotted Jean in the kitchen as the latter was fixing some breakfast and decided to join him. Jean looked rather homely even though he wore a simple sky blue shirt with khaki slacks. The 'homely feel' was added by the mustard yellow apron he was wearing. He saw Levi walk toward him and his mouth immediately contorted into an uncomfortable smile.

"What is it?"

Jean opened and closed his mouth multiple times. Levi knew that Jean wanted to share something.

"Yesterday, I . . . sir! If I may ask, who is Emerald? I meant, what is he to you!"

Levi looked confused. He was sleep-deprived, hungover, and too irritable to answer this 'what are we?' line of questioning. So he chose to stare at him indifferently instead of answering the question.

Then Jean said something that confused Levi. He was still analyzing the caretaker's words when the bell chimed.

Levi opened the door to an over enthusiastic body. Shitty Four Eyes!

"HELLOOOOOOOO, Mr. Ackerman. How are you this morning?" she chirped.

"Disturbed . . . by your presence."

"Well what are surprise visits without the surprise?" she walked in through door without being invited.

"You must be Jean. I'm Hanji Zoe. Emerald's madam," Hanji said with equal, unwavering enthusiasm.

Jean gave her his professional smile, "Good morning, Ms. Hanji."

"Very good morning to you. What's for breakfast?"

"Well we have—"

"That won't be necessary, Jean. 'Madam' will be leaving in a sec."

"Jean, you'll be treated better at my institute rather than this cubbyhole of un-pleasantries for sure. Here's my card," Hanji passed the card to Jean and Levi tsked.

"Up the stairs to the first room on your right."

"Right right. Always business first with you. But may I talk to you before I see him?"

Levi had an inkling that it had something to do with Petra being arrested. If she was here to plead mercy for that wench, she had come to the wrong postal address.

Levi and Hanji walked to his study.

"I wanted to thank you and that lawyer person for what you did to the Leonharts. They may have received temporary bail, but Funky Brows says he has someone continuously monitoring their activities. Their 'organisation' has been permanently disbanded and there is nowhere for them to go. Did you know that the older brother was doing fucked up brain treatments and conducting human trials on the sly?" Somehow Levi was not surprised. The Leonhart duo had their fingers in all sorts of mess. He simply shrugged.

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