Chapter 7

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Levi heard a soft sound coming from the bathroom. He had just finished a disturbingly informative, and expensive, call.

Levi: Bad things have happened to him. I don't want to take advantage of his state and prey on him.

Sassy Joe: He is a victim of abuse so you have to tread lightly, Sexy Eyes! You can't pounce on him, so you have to make him want you.

Levi: How does one do that?

Sassy Joe: Simple. Give him a taste of you. Drug him with sensation. Replace the 'bad' with the 'fucking hot'. Heal his heart and then win it.

Levi: Are you a closet poet too?

Sassy Joe: For 200$ an hour, I'll be anything you want me to be, Sexy Eyes.

Levi: Tch!

He opened the bathroom door to find Emerald naked and wet from head to toe sitting in the now drained bathtub, twitching uncomfortably.

"Grab the towel above and wrap it around your waist like before," Levi commanded.

Emerald obediently followed the instruction. This inexplicably made a good, no great, impression on Levi. Once Emerald was done, Levi walked over and picked Emerald up like he weighed nothing more than a newspaper.

Levi walked out of the bathroom and carefully placed the younger boy on the bed.

While taking his hand away, Levi's fingers gently brushed the backside of Emerald's knee and down along the calf. He got up like he hadn't just done that, towering over the fidgety boy.

"Your bandages are wet. Why didn't you take them off? Wear those clothes. I'll patch you up then."

Emerald looked to his side to find black track pants and a fresh pair of underwear on the bed. There was a light gray coloured shirt above. It was loose enough to make Emerald float in it, but he wasn't ungrateful.

"Wear the tracks and shirt after I'm done with the bandages. Just the underwear for now."

Levi turned around after saying that. He wanted to chuckle aloud at the younger boy's alarmed expression. Levi could hear some shifting and shuffling. Will he manage?

Levi asked if it was okay to turn and when no response came from Emerald, he turned. The underwear was barely covering Emerald's penis. The boy had struggled in vain to get it up all the way around his waist and was miserably stuck. Without thinking, Levi walked over and bent over him. Levi didn't look down, just hooked his fingers in Emerald's underwear and tugged hard. The boy was shifting uncomfortably to get the material to shift a little. Levi's hands traced the elastic to Emerald's lower back and he pulled the underwear up to cover the boy's bum. He smirked internally when he heard the boy gasp softly at his touch.

He let his fingers trace the boy's back lightly before retreating. Levi rose to his full height and went on to look for Emerald's bandages and medicines. He fetched a tiny scissor and carefully began cutting all the wet bandages. Emerald firmly kept his beet red face downcast for the fear of meeting Levi's steel gray eyes that he knew were fixed on his flushed face.

After bandaging the boy's head, wrists, ankles and thigh, Levi rolled the track pants and asked Emerald to put his feet in.

"Grab my shoulders and try to stand."

Emerald looked to his side and followed the order. His weak arms crawled up Levi's shoulder and he leaned forward in an attempt to stand.

Levi bent lower to pull the track pants up to the boy's waist. The gesture brought him closer to the crook of Emerald's neck. Levi shamelessly inhaled the musk of the boy's skin that was fused with the scent of lavender and tea-tree oil. Once the tracks were in their place, Levi gently pushed Emerald by his waist back onto the bed.

"Raise your left arm," he ordered and Emerald followed. Levi pushed the shirt sleeve over the boy's arm and repeated the instruction for his right hand.

He then sat on his haunches and began buttoning the shirt from down. Emerald looked down only to capture Levi's intense eyes in a sensual stare. The boy gulped as Levi deftly buttoned the shirt upward and his stray finger softly brushed the boy's chest. Levi was close enough to kiss him by the time he reached the third button. He then sat up with Emerald's legs in his hands. He turned the startled boy on the bed and then coaxed him into a sleeping position. His touch, unknown to Levi, made the boy shiver in all the wrong places.

"Sleep," the gray-eyed man said after covering him with a thick blanket. Levi went to the bathroom and came out after ten minutes. He was supposedly cleaning in there.

He left without another word and shut the door behind him. It was someone else's turn to be flushed and sleepless now.

~End of Chapter 7~


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