Chapter 5

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"More . . . more. More MASTER!"

"Huh? You like that? You're a dirty boy!" he whispered harshly.

"Yes, master. Show me how bad I've been."

"Okay, slave. Hands behind your back." The boy's hands were secured tightly and a blindfold was tied around his eyes.

The slave was pushed on the bed, naked, and his master climbed over him. The slave's free leg was taken and the master began tonguing the little toe and nibbling at its end. The slave threw his head back and his entire body arched. The master was torturing him by running the nail of his thumb at the centre of his foot. It was ticklish at first but its undercurrents went straight to the slave's member. The master placed light bites on his feet and began kissing his way down to the slave's inner thighs. He then sat up and flicked the slave's throbbing hard-on. The cock ring around it was doing its job. The slave thrust upward unable to give himself the release his body desired.

"Ah ah ah. Don't try that." The master's chocolaty deep voice rang in the slave's ear. The former pushed the vibration setting to maximum and stood up from the bed. He observed as the slave helplessly thrust into the air hoping to grind his crotch against something. He moved to the side but one whip from his master brought him back on his back.

"Should I let you come, slave?"

"Not before master comes," the young-un helplessly cried aloud.

"Good answer." The master leisurely stripped and joined the slave on the bed again. He took off the blindfold and froze. Emerald?

Levi woke up with sweat running down his face. He was . . . dreaming?

The master in his dreams was definitely him. And that boy . . .? That boy was definitely Emerald.

No one in this world has eyes like Emerald.

And what was Levi doing? Dominating him? Argh! For fuck's sake, his brain had conjured his ward as his plaything. This was all because of that Train Man. The bastard.

Levi's body was covered in sweat. As he got out of bed to air himself, he noticed that he had a raging hard-on. Well, it had to be taken care of.

He plucked his tablet from charging and took it to his luxurious bathroom. He pulled his pants down and got into the tub. The cool ceramic came in contact with his arse and made shivers run down his spine. He began surfing through some porn to help the process. It was too embarrassing to get a hard on from the thoughts of his ward; he felt guilty and irresponsible. He clicked on the all too familiar page and the video began playing. Levi balanced the tab in his line of vision and began stroking his thick, long, and painfully hard shaft.

Something was wrong. It was eight minutes into the video—i.e. by average online porn standards, the good stuff was almost over—yet, instead of 'finishing,' Levi was reaching a semi. That was strange. It had never happened before. He clicked on a few more videos and slathered some more water-based lube on his little friend, but nothing seemed to be helping the situation along.

This is just fantastic! How did my life come to this?

Frustrated, he angrily scrolled hard on the tab till it brought him to the suggested links at the bottom of the page. Before he moved to shut the tab, something caught his eye. Something he hadn't seen in a long time; an option that was always there but unexplored by Levi after the age of 17. Gay porn? Huh! Worth a shot!

With a single click, he quickly got navigated to the gay porn portal. He chose the 'Top Ranking Channel' and went onto the 'Most Viewed' section. The thumbnails of the video caused his mouth to run dry. He clicked on the play button and unconsciously began pumping his shaft. Interestingly, the video brought his little friend to life again and, just 3.5 minutes into the video, Levi was ready to shoot his load.

He had never experienced such a fulfilling release in a long long time. He flipped through some more videos and found one where the top looked similar to the Train Man. He didn't know why he clicked on it, but he immediately got sucked into watching it till the end. The top was commanding the bottom whose body type was similar to that of a seventeen year old boy. The top was easily in his mid thirties and had a ripped body with the added gift of a generous penis. The bottom was meek and pale in comparison and was labelled 'twink' in the video description. He was blindfolded and his hands were tied behind his back. The top was taking his time, orally pleasuring the boy till he was squirming and begging for a release. The video seemed as if it were right out of Levi's dream. He was salivating when the bottom shivered under the top's light touches and intense sucking. The bottom's pale skin was pink and red from blushing.

Fuck! This top guy seems like he was the real deal.

Pornstars are not stellar actors and none of them could possibly conjure a reaction that raw. Just as the slave looked like he was about to violently come all over the place, the top flipped him and pulled him up so his back was pressed against the top's tanned chest. The latter rolled a condom on and squirted some lube before entering the teeny hole of the younger male. For the second time, Levi's hand unconsciously went back to his shaft when the bottom made the 'O' face. The top pulled him closer to his body with one hand and took the younger male's rock hard shaft between the tip of his thumb and the surface of his four fingers.

"Harder sir, please. Harder."

The top slammed hard into him, then leaned down, and clearly whispered, "You don't deserve a release, yet."

"Please sir," *slam* "oh fuck, please please pleasssse sir. Fuck me harder."

The top's hand tightened around the boy's shaft and he left a hard bite on the bottom's soft neck, "Say that you're my dirty little bitch and I will think about it."

"I'mahhh, I'm your dirty little bihhhtch, sir."

"Good boy. Such a good boy. You are my dirty little bitch." The top grabbed the boy's hips and pushed him on the bed. He repeatedly slammed into the younger male till both of them screamed their release.

Tch! What have I done to my poor bathroom?

Just as Levi was about to shut the tab and grab some tissues, he saw that the top took off the bottom's blindfold and untied his hands. The ending credits rolled over the video of both of them kissing and cuddling on the soiled bed. The cuddling too was eerily spot-on and unexpectedly sweet.

Huh! That was unrealistic, to be very honest!

Wow Levi, did you miss the memo that said, 'Porn is just a fantasy'?

Sighing, Levi got up and began cleaning his tub. After a good half an hour, he left the sparkling bathroom and cocooned himself in his king-sized bed. An hour later, he woke up with a start. It was the same dream just more detailed and vivid.

How am I going to stay at home everyday having these wild fantasies about Emerald knowing he is just a wall away?

~End of Chapter 5~


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