#11 to be torn apart...

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I woke up with a strange feeling. Right, id start working again. I got up from Kousukes big bed and got dressed. I hear him groan and he sat up.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
"I start working again today, remember?"
"Aww, But I thought we'd have a cuddle day!"
"Not anymore. I'm working now, this is what I came here to do In the first place and if you haven't noticed, im still poor." I say as I chuck Kousuke a shirt.
"Now tidy up all your laundry so I can wash it." He hopped out of bed and threw all of his dirty clothes into a hamper.
"Thank you." I said when he was finally done.
He closed his eyes and puckered his lips.
When he didn't feel me kiss him he opened his eyes.
"You gonna kiss me?" He asked
"Why not?" He pouted.
"There's no flirting with the maid!" I said hitting him in the torso with my dusting rag.
"Ohhh you've gone and done it now!" He said. He ran after me as I screamed and ran through the house.
We ran past his mom and she yelled "young lady! Stop this INSTANT!"
I froze and Kousuke knew I was in trouble.
"Do you THINK this is how proper maids act in a household!" She scolded. I bowed my head and apologized.
"I'm so sorry ma'am."
"I should have you fired from this!"
"Mother no!" Kousuke steps in. "It's my fault, she was trying to do her job and I distracted her, don't fire her."
"Well, then I shall have you too separated. From now on you two shall never speak to each other if it is not for work purposes. If I see you to conversing in any way, she will be fired!" His mother said to him.
I hung my head even lower and cried on the inside.
"Now, back to work and you Kousuke, in your dads office, now." She pointed behind me into a closed room.
"Yes Mother."
We separated and little did I know, that was the last time I'd see him for a long time.

<Suit and tie> Kousuke Hirahara x reader Where stories live. Discover now