#13 a trap

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The next night I had not slept. I waited till 12:50 am to go. I walked out quietly and smiled to myself.
I crossed the yard and dashed into the tower that was full of plants to be made into food. He didn't tell me where to meet him so I looked around.
I soon heard his voice faintly and I hit excited.
"-you here? I meant that letter for someone else. The letter was fake. I never loved you and I never will! GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!" I broke down into tears and ran off. But before I made it out the door i realized something. Why would I hear him sin the middle of talking? Wouldn't he start taking when I knew he was here? He didn't know I was there! I turned back
"Why are you here?! I meant that letter for someone else, the letter was fake. I never loved you and I never will!"
I slammed the door open and Kousuke was tied to a chair. Kousuke struggled and screamed. He writhed against the chains and his eyes went wide.
"The hell??" I questioned. But soon I was over taken by darkness and I realized that what I had set foot into, was a trap.

<Suit and tie> Kousuke Hirahara x reader Where stories live. Discover now