#19 where am i?

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I wake up as the sun is setting. But I'm not in my apartment. The walls are all windows looking over a balcony, there is a wide open kitchen that looks like it's from the future, the living room was all pristine and clean.
"Where am I?"
"Welcome to your new home y/n how may I help you?" An Android replied.
"Woah!" I stepped back.
"Oh, allow me to introduce myself. I'm cormat. Central original robotics machinery and technology. Nice to meet you!"
"Cormat? Well hi." I waved out of breath.
"You seem out of breath. Are you struggling to exercise?"
"No, just kind of anxious at where I am."
"Didn't I tell you? You are at your home."
"This isn't my home. This is way too nice to be my home."
"Oh yes. This is master kousuke and your house."
"Wait... our house."
"Yes ma'am."
"Okay... thanks cormat." I was gonna murder kousuke.
"You're very welcome, and call for me if you ever have questions!"
"Wait! I have one!"
"Where is kousuke?"
"In his office, third room upstairs on the right."
"Thanks cormat."
"You're welcome miss."
I send cormat off and find kousukes office.
I knock on the door and he replies with "no entering!"
I knock again
"I said I don't want any!"
I knock violently and he sighs. He gets up and opens the door and sees me.
"Oh, y/n you're up!"
"Yes I am... care to explain?"
"This is our new house for a while."
"Well like, as roommates."
"Uh huh... 'roommates.'"
I didnt buy it for a second.
"Don't roll your eyes at me!" He commanded
"Don't tell me what to do! You're not my dad!" I called back
"Don't talk back to me like I'm your enemy! I bought you a house! I bought you coffee everyday! I chose to stay with you! I chose to trust you!" He snarled
"Oh! So you think by just being my friend and buying me things I'll just automatically fall in love with you?!" I threw my hands in the air.
"I'm not saying that!"
"That's exactly what you're saying!" I retort.
"Fine! Then leave if you're so unhappy!"
"Maybe I will!!"
I walked out and slammed the door.
"Cormat has heard yelling. Is there a problem?"
"No cormat, where is 234 elk elm wood street from here?" I said angrily.
"Why would you like to go there?"
"Because I'm going home."
"But this is your home." I rolled my eyes and continued to throw stuff in my bag.
"No it's not cormat."
"Yes it is. It's registered on the gps that way. Would you like to see?"
It got silent and cormat spoke up.
"Ya know... I may be a robot but I was made with feelings... so I know that being yelled at makes me feel hurt." His audio seemed to crack like a person gonna cry.
"Cormat I'm sorry."
"No, I'll send you directions home. Sending directions now."
Cormat rolled away and I was left alone in the room. I regretted everything.
I huffed and sat on the couch. I buried my face in my hands that were resting on my knees.
"Cormat senses sadness." I hear a beeping voice.
I look up and sniffle.
"Hello." He says awkwardly.
"I'm sorry Cormat, this is just a lot."
"I understand. Would you like me to order some food and movies? Kousuke said you like that."
"Really? He said that?"
"Yes. I record everything he says to keep it in my database."
"Show me." I say hesitantly.
He pulls up a video and his face is replaced by Kousukes face.
Kousuke sits on the floor, his pants crunched up to his mid calf, revealing his ankles. A boney man he was.
"What is her favorite thing to do?" Cormat asked.
"Umm.... probably watch movies.... yeah.... she likes that..." he went silent and then spoke "she likes dinner and movies. She likes curling up on the couch and watching anything with any cute actor ever" he chuckles.
"And what does she like to eat with her movies master?"
"Anything.... she will eat whatever we create. She's a weirdo." He smirked as he stared off into the ground.
The video stopped and Cormats face appeared again.
"Wow. I never knew he payed attention like that."
"Yeah. I've sensed endorphin release whenever you two are around. He may like you."
"I already know that."
"No he may... as humans say... like, like you."
My heart stopped. What if he does?
What will I do then?

<Suit and tie> Kousuke Hirahara x reader Where stories live. Discover now