#22 get it together

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I woke with an upright sit.
"Hey, you're okay. You passed out pretty hard." Kousuke said as he sat on the edge of the couch I was laying on. 
"What happened? How did I pass out? I've never passed out before."
"I don't know how you passed out. And you just looked at me and passed out." He shrugged.
"Wow." I gasped as I gripped my head. I started to stand up and I lent on kousuke for support.
"Woah woah, you need to rest. I will take care of you."
I sat back down with a huff.
I watched tv for a couple hours before kousuke walked in with soup.
"What's this for?"
"You. My mom used to do this when I was little and it worked for me."
He handed me the soup. I looked down and thought of it
"My dad used to do this for me." I half smiled. "That is before we went broke." I scoffed.
"I'm sorry it was hard for you." He said putting his hand on top of mine.
"It's okay. Look where I am now. My work payed off. Just like my dad would always tell me."
"Well. I'm glad you're happy to be here. I'm glad you're here with me."
I looked at him and just remembered why I fell in love with him in the first place.
"Kousuke. You know I love you right?"
"I know. I love you too." I sat up and he reached over to hug me.
"We are gonna get better at this. I promise." He said as we parted.
"I want to try to find shin ae. I want to apologise to her. Ask her if she wants to try to be nice to each other. After all she is family."
Kousuke shrugged.
"Just be careful. I don't want you getting hurt."
"I know. I will be careful. I promise."
He smiled at me and got up.
"I'll be in my room. Call if you need anything."
"Okay." He walked down the hall and into his room. I'm gonna get this together

<Suit and tie> Kousuke Hirahara x reader Where stories live. Discover now