#32 awkward...

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I woke up slowly and with a groggy start.
It was still dark out so I assumed it hadn't been that long since I first went out. I was in the car and I was leaning up against someone.
I moved and looked up to see a stern pale face that I recognised.
"Kousuke?" I groaned.
"Hey, you're awake. You're okay. You're just with me and the driver." He informed.
"Where are we going?"
"We are gonna take you back to my house for a little bit. We don't want them following you to your house. My house is well protected so at least if they get in they'll get shot." He joked.
I chuckled lightly and then clutched my head.
"Ow." I moaned.
"Yeah you might hurt for a while, they got you pretty good."
He brushed his fingers against the cut in my head that was bleeding.
We pulled into his driveway and he took me inside.
The driver drove off and he took me into his room and then into his bathroom.
He told me to sit on the counter and I did. It was awkward, for me at least.
He took out his first aid kit and wiped the fresh blood off and then wiped the dried blood off with a wet cloth.
I watched as he stared intently, trying to fix my broken self.
He had bandaged up all the cuts except for the one on my lip. He wiped away the blood from my lip which turned out to not have a cut, just a lot of blood had collected there.
While he was fixing me I couldn't get out of my head how close he was. My heart raced at how we were only close close like this a couple of times, like crotch to crotch close.
My breathing faltered as I thought of those times and they popped back up. And being face to face with that person made it worse.
"There you go. All done."
He backed away and part of me hated that he ever separated our bodies.
"Th-thanks." I mumbled.
"What?" He asked.
"I said thanks."
He was silent and then glared at me.
"Why don't you show me how thankful you are." It took me a second before I realised what he meant. I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him in. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he kissed me deeply. He propped himself up on his arms that are on either sides of me.
I was trapped in his body and it made me forget about everything that had happened.
His lips danced on mine and begged me for more as they sucked harder.
I started to unbutton his shirt and he didn't deny it but kept kissing me. I eventually gave up with trying to remove it but let it say open and tucked into his pants.
I ran my fingers along his chest and he groaned a little into a kiss that he pulled away from, to look at my hand placements.
"We should not be doing this." He shook his head as he said airily.
I looked at him with lust and he shooed his previous thought away. He kissed me hard again and he ran his hands along my legs up to my ass.
He didn't grab it violently but just held his hand there.
Finally we had wasted all of our energy and we pulled away and looked at the mess we had made.
I had found myself still in my dress and Kousuke's hair was messed up from me running my hands through it.
He had lipstick smeared on his face and his perfectly neat shirt was now wrinkled and open.
"I missed you. I've missed everything about you." He sighed as he pressed his forehead up against mine.
"I've missed you too."
We both breathed heavily and I watched his toned bare chest rise and fall as he still held onto me and as my legs were still wrapped around him.
"Please stay with me tonight. You don't even have to sleep in the same room. I just need to know that you're safe." He begged.
I couldn't say no to his blue eyes.
I nodded and he walked out of the bathroom. I hopped off the counter and brushed my hair back with my fingers as I sighed.
He came back in with a pair of shorts and a T-shirt.
"You kept these?" I asked.
"Let's just say I don't get rid of things easily."
I smiled and changed. He gave me a makeup remover wipe that he had and I wiped it all off.
"It's so weird to see you all dressed up." He spoke as I wiped off the coats of thick concealer.
"Why's that?"
"You just never wear it. Well at least not when you were with me."
It was silent and awkward for a while. Kousuke walked out and when I was done with removing my makeup I put my hair up and walked out of his room.
I was about to open the door when he called out.
"Yeah?" I asked, fearing the worst.
"Goodnight." He said.
"Night." I shortly replied and walked out.

<Suit and tie> Kousuke Hirahara x reader Where stories live. Discover now