#18 less of hell

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Two weeks later...

Kousuke walked up to me coffee in hand.
"A couple months ago I wouldn't even think about being able to just get coffee."
"Didn't... you work in a coffee shop?"
"Well yes but they don't let us take any."
"Oh." He shrugged "well now you do!" He kisses my cheek and I smiled slightly.
I looked at the coffee and pushed it away. I was too focused on school. I scrambled to finish my homework. I was very behind. About two weeks in fact.
"Fourteen pages of math, seventeen in biology, nine in chemistry, eight in calculus and two pages of psychology." I spoke suddenly "im never gonna sleep." I scoffed and shook my head.
"I'll help you." He offered.
"No it's okay. Just make sure I'm not dead by morning." I chuckled.
He laughed and kissed my head when he stood up to leave.
"I'll be back in a while to check on you."
He left and I continued to cram my brain with work.
7:30 pm
I had 10 pages of math, 4 in biology, 4 in chemistry, 3 in calculus left and I was done with psychology.
I occasionally saw a sleepy kousuke meander around the apartment.
Four coffees deep, drowning in papers and I had four pages from every class left except psychology.
I got up to stretch and I felt arms on my shoulders.
"Working hard like always?" I hear kousuke ask.
"Yep. Surprised I'm finishing so quickly."
"Well that's good! I'm gonna go to bed so goodnight! Wake me up if you have any problems."
"Okay. I will. Goodnight."
He kissed my forehead and went to bed sleepily.
I'm Almost done. I have two pages of calculus left.
I slowly drift off leaving my head on a coffee mug. What I'd give to lay on a soft pillow. I shake myself awake and finish one page of calculus, I have half a page left.
Three problems left
I was done. I tried to stand up but I was so tired I couldn't get up. I flopped down and rested my head on my backpack.
I must... sleep....

10:34 am
"Y/n... wake up.... wake up." I shoot up from my sleeping position and breathe heavily.
"Woah. Calm down. I'm just waking you up."
I run my hands through my hair and look at the clock. 10:35?!?? I have to get to class!
I run around and get dressed as kousuke just looks at me and taps his foot with his arms crossed.
"Y/n..." I continued to scramble
"What?? I'm trying to get ready!!"
"It's Saturday."
I stopped, huffed and looked at my phone.
Saturday, 22, 2018
I threw my bag down and laid on the couch.
"I'm going back to sleep then." I giggled
He let me but he sat down in the chair next to the couch and watched tv. I slowly drifted off into black and dreamed. It was the first time in a long time where I got to take a break.

<Suit and tie> Kousuke Hirahara x reader Where stories live. Discover now