#34 getting it right

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Kousuke headed off to work after that. I called my mom and told her everything. She said that what she heard was the sweetest thing ever and she was happy I was back with him.
She said it was fine that I was staying.
She was concerned about the whole company thing, however.
She just sounded nervous. She was scared for Kousuke and his job.
I told her it would be okay. She wished me well and I hung up.
"I've gotta do something about this whole losing the job if he loves me thing." I planned ideas but then i just got frustrated.
I decided that tomorrow, I'd walk into his dads office and tell him how I really feel.
I don't know how it would go but it was happening. I couldn't stand to be a mock anymore. It was my turn to flip the tables.

Kousuke came home later and we had dinner like we did. I was scared to bring up anything work related so I asked him some other questions.
"So what did you do while I was gone?" I laugh.
"I worked." He grunted.
"Oh. Well what did you want to do while I was gone?" I winked.
He scoffed at me and threw a piece of chicken which I caught in my mouth.
He laughed out loud and smiled at me.
"You're so..." he started
"So what?" I asked.
"So... amazing." He snorted.
"I know." I flipped my hair sassily.
"Okay, we need to take that ego down." Kousuke got up from the table and picked me up over his shoulder.
"No! No! Please!" He three me on the couch and started to tickle me.
"Please Kousuke!" I laughed.
"Say it! Say I'm not an ego monster!"
"I'm... im not..." I couldn't even get the words out because he was still tickling me.
"I'm not an ego monster!" I finished. He stopped tickling me and pulled me up. I breathed heavily and kissed his cheek.
"Thanks for pulling me back down to earth."
He blushed a little and went off to his room.

The next day came and this was when I was gonna fight back.
I woke up a little after him and got ready. I put on a skirt, a blouse and I did my hair nicely.
Kousuke walked in expecting me to be asleep but I was actually finishing up my hair.
"Woah, where are you going?"
I thought for a minute and responded with.
"I'm getting a job."
"But you already have two. And school."
I walked by him and stopped before the door.
"Who said it was for me?"

I walked out with confidence and into the corporation.
"I'd like to speak to Mr hirahara please."
"Kousuke is not in right now."
"No, not Kousuke. His dad."
The lady looked at me with wide eyes and sent me up to his office.
The elevator dinged and I walked out.
I walked to the only door on the top floor and knocked on the door.
"Come in." He gravelly said.
I opened the door and walked in, waiting to be seated.
"You May sit." He said.
I sat down and he spun to look at me. As soon as he did, his eyes went wide.
"And what are you doing here?" He mocked.
"I'm here on an important meeting to secure a certain someone's future." I pridefully spoke.
"Ah so you are here for my sons future job huh?"
"Yes. And I want you to know that there are a couple pressing concerns with the fact that you'd give up his rightful ownership because of a girl he loves."
"Okay sweetheart, we are gonna take this like a meeting? We will take it like a meeting." He folded his hands and I didn't back down.
"Number one, are you aware that people have different feelings? According to many studies done, scientists have proved that parents and children, while alike in physicality, are completely different in mindset. This can stem from exposer to new growing media, their own life experiences and just how their mind is set in the first place."
He nodded and I continued to speak.
"Secondly, I'd like to point out that your corporation would no longer fit the 'hirahara corporation' title if you hand your CEO title to your employee. The hirahara corp name insinuates that your corporation is run by someone of the hirahara name. By having a new CEO who doesn't have that name, could debunk you in trustability from future correspondence between companies."
He seemed to be taken back by my knowledge.
"And lastly I'd like to point out that it is just downright stupid to put his name and future on the line just because of a girl he dates. Just because she may not be a model and perfect fake body type, does not mean she is any lesser. In fact, I think by doing this right now this proves this last point. And it also says here" I said looking at my folder "under the word common sense, that it is just arrogant and rude to be thinking the way you are, not to mention the fact and accountability for your actions, that will be held against you, if your company goes under and it's because your company wasn't put into the caring arms of your son who deserves it."
I closed my folder and put it on the desk.
I looked at him and he looked astonished.
"Well... I-i don't know what to say."
"How about a promise of security to his passing down no matter what?" I ask.
"Y-yes. Right away. I- Yes."
He opened a document and signed it. I peeked and saw that it was the line he was supposed to sign for the finality of Kousuke's CEO position.
"There you go. You can take that to him. Keep it safe." I got up with a smile.
"Oh and y/n?" He asked.
"I'm sorry I ever underestimated you."
"Thank you."
I walked out and out of the building.
Kousuke is gonna freak!

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