#20 i just wanted to give you a hug

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That night I sat on the opposite end of the couch as a movie played. Kousuke was so involved in it while I was involved.... in him. His eyes stared intensely at the screen.
I watched as his lips slowly parted to put a piece of popcorn in his mouth.
What would it be like to kiss him?
My head shook that thought out and completely stopped thinking about it.
I just decided to fall asleep.
About twenty minutes later I was half asleep and heard the tv shut off. I heard footsteps toward me and I felt arms soon lift me. I stayed completely still and quiet. I'll let him have his moment. And I was kind of enjoying it.
He pounded up the stairs and into my room. He laid me on my bed and lightly put a blanket over me. He kissed my forehead and caressed my cheek.
He could feel him smirking.
"I'm sorry you have to go through all of this. I just wanna help. I hope you'll get used to it here. I hope you'll get used to being.. with me."
With that he walked out and to his room.
He closed the door and I opened my eyes. I sat up against the bed frame and sighed.
Should I be liking this? Is this wrong?
I clutched my legs close to me. I sat in that bed till four am thinking of everything.
I contemplated going to his room but I denied it again and again.
Should I? I don't know....
I smiled and knew the answer.
I walked into the kitchen and opened the door.
Pizza is always the answer. I walked my way over to the couch and sat down. I smiled as cormat rolled out to come sit next to me as I watched a show.
"And-and what is he doing?" He asked.
"Well he's trying to save her from a fire. Their house got set on fire by his terrible ex."
"Why would she do that?" He beeped.
"Because she's a bitch." I replied.
"I don't understand, she isn't a dog, does he have relations with animals?"
"No no, when you say someone's a bitch it means like, they are a jerk, like they are bad people."
"Oh, should I add that to my database?"
"Sure, why not?" I smiled.
He robotically laughed and I laughed too.
"Thanks for being here cormat." I patted his head and he smiled.
"You're very welcome." I smiled and heard footsteps.
I looked over and kousuke was standing in the doorway with just pajama  bottoms on.
"Is everything all right?"
"Yeah, I'm fine." I replied.
"Actually, I just did a full body scan and your heart rate has increased dramatically and a lot of it is rushing to the... brain... hands... cheeks... and the v-"
"Woah, we are done here cormat, you can go to bed now. Go charge up. Goodnight!" I pushed him to the charging station and forced him to shit down.
I looked back at Kousuke and smiled awkwardly.
I cleared my throat and said "well Um hi."
"Hi." He smirked.
"Well... that was awkward." I scratched the back of my neck
"Yeah." He nodded and laughed.
"Uh huh," I paused and then shook my head "wait! Are you laughing?"
"Yeah." He said chuckling.
"You act like I know nothing. I knew exactly what cormat was gonna say, trust me, you aren't the first one to not feel normal when I'm shirtless."
My cheeks flushed dark red with embarrassment.
"I'm gonna go to bed now." I said quickly stepping to my room.
"Wait." He grabbed my wrist and I looked at him.
"Please let me go." I stated.
"No wait."
"Let me go." I said my eyes filling with tears and embarrassment makes me not even able to look at him.
"Wait but I just wanted to-"
"No! Let me go!" I broke from his grasp and ran to my room. I can't do this.
I heard from my room.
"I just wanted to give you a hug."

<Suit and tie> Kousuke Hirahara x reader Where stories live. Discover now