#23 its all right now

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I knocked on an apartment door.
"Shin ae? You home?" I called.
She opened the door and looks at me.
"What do you want?"
"I wanted to talk to you. In person."
She let me inside and I sat on the couch.
We sat in silence for a minute or two. The clock ticking was the loudest noise.
"I just want to say I'm sorry." She spoke out.
I turned to her and looked at her eyes. They were glistening with sorrow.
"It's okay." I responded
"No it's not. Not for the way I acted. I was selfish and jealous, and my actions weren't okay."
She looked down and I reached for her hand.
"It's okay shin ae, I forgive you."
"You do?" She asked hopeful.
I nodded and she smiled.
"And I'm sorry too."
"For what?" She asked.
"For never trying to find you, for not keeping my promise of always protecting you, for letting dad get this way." I pressed my lips together holding back tears. "I'm sorry I let you go."
Shin ae let out a tear as i stopped speaking.
"You don't know how hard it was going to sleep every night knowing that I was torn from you." Shin ae spoke shakily.
"I missed you." I told her.
"I missed you too." I hugged her and she gripped onto my shirt tight.
"I never should have been so angry when you told me you were my sister. I guess I was just so angry with the world that I couldn't believe it." She said still hugging me.
"We've both made mistakes shin ae, but the best part is knowing that we are back together now."
She smiled as we separated.
"Hey, no more crying, wanna go window shopping and imagine what it would be like to me rich?" She asked.
I laughed and said yes, but I was kind of Rich already.
We walked along the mall and looked at the window.
I saw shin ae skew off from me and looked at a window.
"Look at those sneakers! They are so cute!" I walked over and looked at the maroon red converse she was looking at.
"If only i wasn't broke." She sighed and walked away. I quickly glanced at the shoes as we walked away. We spent the rest of our time getting food and chatting. We both caught up and she asked me about Kousuke.
"So how are you and Kousuke?"
"We're Good now."
"Now?" She asked
"Yeah it was rough for a while. I didn't really want to date him a while ago but I think now it's getting better. I do love him." I said stirring my coffee.
"That's good. You two are really cute together." She smiled.
I chuckled and thanked her.
"Well we should get going! Kousuke is going to wonder where I went to!" I laughed.
"Yeah i have to meet yogi at his house."
"Oh really what for?"
"He just wants to hang out and catch up."
"Ah Okay, well tel him I said hi and that I miss him."
"Okay! I definitely will!"
We walk out of the mall and I call a cab.
I take the ride home and pay the woman after I get out.
She waved goodbye and I walk into the house.
"Kousuke! I'm home!"
I hear loud footsteps and Kousuke walks down the stairs in a suit.
"Where are you going?" I ask.
"To a meeting. Hirahara Corp. is making a big change!" He smiled.
"Well you seem excited!"
"I am!"
"Well when are you gonna be home?" I ask him.
"I'll only be gone for an hour or two. I promise." He said touching up his hair.
"Okay be back soon!"
He wrapped his arms around my waist and looked at me.
"I will! I promise! I love you."
I looked at his eyes and smiled.
"I love you too." He let go and walked out the door.
"Now what do I do?"
I walked around the kitchen, and then the living room, then the upstairs loft and the bedrooms.
I head movement and looked behind me.
"Cormat!" I smiled.
"Hello y/n! Your levels seem to indicate unsatisfactory. Are you bored?"
"Yes. I am. I'm so bored."
"Well then I can suggest something's to help you."
"You could, go out for a walk, make a new dish, watch a movie," a lightbulb went off in my head " talk to friends, do yoga, and many other things. Would you like me to list some more?"
"No thank you! I know what I want to do! Cormat can you fetch me some bed sheets and pillows and order some string lights to be delivered in an hour."
"I will do that! I am always here to help!"
"Thank you!" I sprang up and ran down the stairs.
I pulled chairs around and threaded a string along the walls. I received the sheets from Cormat and the lights were delivered after.
"Cormat can you go get some of the picked flowers from the basket outside please?"
"Yes ma'am."
He rolled away and I continued to work. Kousuke then texted me.
K-hey I'll be home in twenty minutes!
Y-okay! :)
I sped up the pace and asked Cormat to start dinner.
I laid the flowers on the entrance floor and waited for him to get home. Cormat had just finished making dinner when Kousuke walked in. He was facing the wall while he took off his shoes.
"Hey I'm home! What did you do while I was -" he looked over and I was standing in front of our fort that I made.
He walked over and kissed me on the forehead.
"This is beautiful. How long did this take you?"
"About an hour, I had Cormats help." I said pointing to him who was next to the beautiful dinner he made.
"Wow, this is so extra." He laughed.
"Do you like it?" I asked.
"I love it. And it's kinda perfect cause I got you something." I raised an eyebrow as he held up a bag for me.
"Go try it on." I went into my room and opened the bag. I looked in and saw a black dress.
I put it on and it was so comfortable! Nice a loose.
"It's perfect." I said as I walked downstairs.
Kousuke had taken off his blazer and was in a white button up and black dress pants.
"Can we eat now? I'm starving." Kousuke asked
"Sure." I laughed.
We sat down and ate and then laid in the fort and talked. It was a pretty good night.

<Suit and tie> Kousuke Hirahara x reader Where stories live. Discover now