#15 run away

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"Kousuke. I hope you can lift me." I lead.
"What??" He squeaks.
I point to the open window and I look back down at him.
"That window. Get me up there!"
He looks at me like I've gone completely mad.
"Are you insane?!"
"Not particularly, no." I said seriously.
He shook his head and scoffed.
"You're a mad woman!"
"But that is what you love about me isn't it?"
"Of sorts, yes."
I smiled and kissed his cheek. He went red in the face and I patted his shoulder.
"Hoist me up."
He interlocked his fingers and I stepped on it. I jumped up and grabbed onto a ledge. I pulled myself up, struggling and groaning.
"Well," I say breathing heavily "I'm not fit."
His laugh is so loud it echoes through the tower.
"What are you planning on doing when you get to the window? How you gonna get out?"
I looked around and saw a rope.
"Ha!" I said happily.
"Wow, convenient." He scoffed.
I giggled and pulled myself up to the next ledge.
After a couple minutes I got to the window and tied the rope to the hatch of the window and then I grabbed onto it for dear life.
I slowly scaled down. I just hope I wasn't sweating too much from my fear of falling to my imminent death. I breathed cautiously and finally made it down. I ran to the door and knocked on it. I herd Kousukes footsteps and he talked through the door.
"Can you unlock it?"
"No! It's got a padlock!" I reply.
"Well try something!!"
I panic and try something random.
"Help me!" I beg.
"Fine. What do you think she'd pick?"
"Something that's important To her."
"Her birthday?"
"I'll try."
"It's 10 14 82"
We tried many more codes and it beeped at us.
"Yes!" We both shout.
THe CLuE Is: WhEn mY HeArT FeLl ApArT.
"What?" I furrow my brows.
"Umm... Try..." he stopped and thought "try 9 14 18."
I push it in and the door creeks and unlocks. Kousuke pushes the door and he stumbles out.
"You did it!" He said hugging me. He picked me up and swung me around. I laughed and wrapped my legs around his torso as he held me up.
I looked down at him and cupped his face with my hands.
I giggled and he kissed my nose.
"Good job babygirl." He said putting me down.
We see flashlights and we hear someone scream for us in a hostile way.
"Shit!" I say.
"Let's go!" Kousuke shouts.
He takes my hand so he wouldn't loose me and we ran. We ran to the edge of the forest behind his house.
"Wait!" I say. He stops and looks at me.
"I don't think I can do this." I look at the dark forest.
"Come on. I'll be there the whole time!"
I smiled and gripped his hand hard.
We ran and we didn't look back.

<Suit and tie> Kousuke Hirahara x reader Where stories live. Discover now