#24 serious talk

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I woke up the next morning under white sheets. I looked around and remembered our last nights activities. We had watched a movie or two and then just talked. It was nice to be able to connect with him again. But I felt different. When we first started to like each other it was under the rules of Mrs hirahara, but now, we were able to love each other as much as we wanted. It felt like we were jk longer children and we had to be adults.
I lay on my side, staring at Kousukes soft perfect face. His lips were nice and plump from sleeping.
He stirs and groans as he opens his sleepy eyes into the light of morning.
I push his hair out of his face and smile.
"Good morning." I giggle.
He pulled me into him and dig his face into my neck.
"Shhh. Let's go back to sleep." He mumbled.
"I can't. I have shopping to do today. It's shin aes birthday tomorrow and so I have to get a present for her. It also wouldn't kill you to at least come along."
He huffed and sat up with me.
"Okay." He complied.
We got ready and walked through the mall to the store shin as saw the shoes in.
I pulled him in and grabbed a pair.
We walked to the register and Kousuke paid.
I walked out, happy with the present in one hand and kousukes hand in my other.
"For the record I only paid for it because I knew that somehow I'd have to contribute to her birthday." He spoke.
I rolled my eyes at him and retorted "you know you love her Kousuke."
"Whatever you feel." I laughed and walked back to the car with him. I got in the back and Kousuke told his driver to take us home.
We were silent for the ride, not in a bad way, but in a comfortable way, in peace.
We got to the house and I got out of the car. I never took the chauffeurs help because I didn't need it. I can open the door myself and I hate people waiting on me.
We walked into the house and my feet slid across the shiny dark brown wood floor. I smirked as I put on my socks and yelled for cormat.
"Yes?" He asked.
"Put on my feel good playlist."
He turned on the speakers and a song started playing.
I giggled as I slid across the floor and danced. Kousuke walked in as he tightened his tie and saw me.
He smirked and shook his head in slight disappointment.
I grabbed his hand.
"Come on. Loosen up a little! Have fun." I said poking him.
He smiled and ran around the room with me.
We danced and played around with each other. Soon our music was interrupted with a phone call.
Kousuke turned down the music and answered his phone.
"I understand."
"I'll be there right away."
"Yes. Bye."
"What was that for?" I ask him as he put on his work shoes and went out the door.
"I have to go check something. I'll be back." He kissed my cheek and walked out quickly.
"O-Okay. Bye."
I huffed and walked outside to the garden.
I sat in the warm sun and ran my fingers through the trimmed grass.
I wondered how two such different people could ever stay together.
Was it just a matter of time?
He was like a rock, and I was the wind. I could never budge him but he could cut through me so easily.
I sighed and leaned back so I laid in the grass.
I warm tear ran down my face in anxiety.
Would we fall apart again?
I don't think I'd be able to handle it if it did. I love him like hell but I am kind of tired of his emotionless attitude. It's always the best when he's carefree with me but as soon as he leaves for business or something else, it get anxious and sad.
Maybe I'm just not cut out for dating a businessman.
I walked into the house and up to Kousukes room. I sat on his bed and felt the soft silk sheets under my fingertips.
His bed was always so much more comfortable then my own. It's like I could feel him with me even if the house was completely empty.
"Cormat!" I called.
He rolled into the room and waited.
"Play some recordings of kousuke talking about me."
He beeped and a screen blazed onto a wall.
"She's beautiful. Like such a ray of light. She makes me so happy and just even seeing her in that horrendous maid outfit made me blush. The outfit didn't make her, she made the outfit." He picked at his bedsheets as corn at beeped in the video.
"How do you feel about her?" He asked.
"I love her. So much. If I didn't have her it would be like taking away oxygen of all vitamin D. She makes me stay alive and out of anxiety, she's my deep breath then I'm frustrated and she's my bandaid whenever I fall down. She's my solution to every problem I have."
I giggled in joy about what he said.
Cormat shut off and the lights turned on.
"Thank you cormat."
"You're welcome."
Cormat walked off and I followed behind him. He rolled into his charging station and fell asleep. I sat at the table and picked at my nails.
A little later Kousuke walked back in and I looked over at him.
"Hey you're home."
"Yeah." He said glumly.
"What's wrong?" I ask him, grabbing him by the waist.
"Dad said that if I don't start focusing on the business that I am not going to be able to have it."
My heart sunk.
I knew it. I knew that everything was going to tip.
"Oh. Okay." I walked away from him.
I sat on the couch with a heavy heart weighing me down.
He sat next to me and took my hand.
"I think it's time to have a serious talk."

<Suit and tie> Kousuke Hirahara x reader Where stories live. Discover now