#30 change in the tides

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Two days have passed and everything was going wrong.
Kousuke was loosing it. He would fight every second he got with me. He tried so hard to focus on work but he just wouldn't stop arguing. He went to bed at eight every night and wouldn't even say goodnight or good morning anymore. It was at that point where I was getting sick of it and he was too.
Dinner turned to absolute crap.
"I just don't understand why you won't stop arguing with me Kousuke!"
"Maybe because you give me everything in the world to complain about! Maybe you should be the one getting it together!"
"How DARE you say that too me!? Kousuke! What has gotten into you?"
"It's not what's gotten into me. It's what's gotten under my skin. And it's like a parasite! And YOURE THAT PARASITE!" He slammed his fists on the table.
"Is that hoe you really feel?" I ask starting to break into silent tears.
"I think we should be done." He voice shook along with his hands and his shifting eyes.
"You mean as in break up?" I ask in shock.
"YES AS IN BREAK UP NOW GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!" He pointed to the door and I walked out.
Good. I couldn't stand him anyway.
I walked to my parents apartment and walked inside. I told them everything and they agreed to let me stay as long as I started to work again.
I told them I had a part time job but I would get a job at the coffee shop again.
I slept in my old room that had been redone as a guest bedroom. It was nice now. A grey color has covered the used to be old white walls. The bed had grown to a full and the sheets matched the walls.
I hopped into the bed and shut off the light, hoping I'd get some sleep to start working at the shop the next day.
I woke up and hopped out of bed. I got ready and walked to the shop.
I asked my former boss for my job back and he happily gave it back.
I started my shift and everyone was so excited to see me again. I served a couple people and they all glared slightly.
I guess they knew of my history.
I mean what could I expect? That I could go back to a normal life and everyone would just forget?
I wish, I wish I could just go back to being innocent and working my ass off. At least if I was in pain then I didn't have anything to loose.
I closed up shop, carrying out 45 bucks to put into bills.
After Mrs. Hirahara went to jail, Mr hirahara payed of the rent in full as an apology gift.
I got home and sat at the table doing my homework.
"Ah I see you started school again. What will you be this year?"
"Graduating." I replied.
"Oh yes! That's right! My baby is all grown up." I smiled as my dad kissed me on the head.
I finished my work and headed to bed early because I had school tomorrow.

The next few days were meh. It was weird being back in my old life. I had gotten so caught up in it all that I forgot how normal people live, how I lived.
Work was bringing in a lot of money for bills which was nice. I still got occasional burning stares of judgement but I was over it at that point. I knew that it didn't affect them so why should I care?
I was graduating in two weeks. This year had gone by fast and not just because I had joined back into class halfway through the last semester.
I studied hard and now I'm able to graduate with the rest of my classmates who just happened to be my friends from work. I never truly had a good friend but I'd count them as something.

It had been a week since Kousuke and I had broken up and it still hurts. I still think about him a lot. I still miss his comfort and the way I'd be able to make him smile even when it seemed impossible.
I missed the way his long body would hold me.
As I was bathing -more like drowning- in my memories again there was a knock on my door.
One girl from work who I had gotten to know particularly well walked in.
"Hey, your mom said I could come in."
I shrugged and asked her what she had in her hand.
"Well I got you a dress and I wanted to know if you wanted to come to a party with me?"

<Suit and tie> Kousuke Hirahara x reader Where stories live. Discover now