Who's the daddy?

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Betty POV

After my mum left my room to go cook dinner I sat on my bed looking at the tests, the clear blue test stated that I was 2-3 weeks pregnant. This is when I knew the baby wasn't jughead's it was Archie's. Me and Archie didn't use protection at all, we were so caught up in the moment then I forgot to take the after pill. Whereas me and juggle almost always use protection, there was still a small chance it was jughead's, but nearly impossible. Due to us using: the before pill, the after pill and a condom. What was I going to tell them? 

I heard foots steps leading up to my door, they were to heavy to be my mums, then a knock. I slowly got up and reached for the door. As I peeped round the corner I saw just the face I wanted to see! In addition to that we need to talk! 

"Hey bestie" as he playfully ruffled his red hair. As I relaxed my clutch he caught a glimpse of the tests on the bed. His face flabbergasted, pale as a ghost. He tried to say something but couldn't.

"Please, Archie  come in, plus I need a friend" in silence he entered as if he was dreaming. Was he dreaming?

Archie POV

What is  going on! Am I dreaming, Betty can't be pregnant, she is such a hard worker this would ruin her life! I'm going to kill jughead for this! After all she is my best friend she doesn't deserve this... oh no what if jughead isn't the dad. What if it's me? I'm to young to be a dad, no I can't! I'm not! I won't! Poor Betty what have I done it's all my fault! 

If she does decide to keep it, would it be the worst thing? Ever since she told me about the black hood our bond has grown stronger. I have come to love that beautiful face more than I should considering it's my bestfriend and my friend's girlfriend. It's not like I I'm gonna to marry her or anything, but that would be a pretty good life... a beautiful wife and children. 

In silence I looked down at the tests, I thought to my self 2-3 weeks pregnant, it must be mine! A smile stretched across my face before it got struck with reality! 

Sharply I looked at Betty, "are you going to keep it?" I demanded, not even asking her who the father was or asking if she was okay. I just wanted to know, in my mind the baby was mine and I wanted it!

"Erm... I-I haven't decided yet, b-but I Believe it's yours!" My child still had a chance and I wanted to be there for every second, I almost jumped on Betty in excitement. Kissing her cheek then trailing it down her neck. Suddenly she pulled away.

"Archie? What will we tell jughead? He's going to find out sooner or later" I tried and tried to think of a way I could father my baby without jughead know it was mine but there was no way! 

"Betty, tell him that he is the father! He will be so happy he won't even question it!" My face fell it felt as if I was losing my child I couldn't deal with it. I gently gestured for Betty to lay down, I rolled up her top so her fat stomach was on show... " hey little one, it's you daddy! I just wanted to tell you I love you so much and that your so wanted" I tear started to roll down my face. " remember that! What ever happened I will look out for you, I promise"

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