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Archie POV

As I saw Betty pass out I scrammed to her side scooping her off the floor and carrying her to my truck as soon as possible! Within 5 minuets we were running into the ER as I screamed...
"HELP HELP MY FRIENDS BEEN STABBED AND SHES PREGNANT HELP" however much I wanted to say girlfriend or wife I knew that it wasn't safe for my children or there mother... Betty got rushed of to surgery as I was pushed aside as I watched her be carried away as I stood drenched in the blood of my love and our children! Hours passed and I was told nothing, my dad came up to see me and give me some clean clothes. Cheryl and Toni came up to check on me and Betty as well! Was it to late was I going to lose the love of my life or/and my children? Well the one thing I did know was that I was now Veronica Lodge's puppet!
After 9 long hours the surgeon came to talk to me...
"Your the young man that came in with Elizabeth Cooper, right?"  I cleared my throat bracing my self for what was coming next...
"Yes, dr! How is she? Are the babies ok?" His face showed no hope!
" it's better you follow me, so we can speak somewhere private!" I followed him not knowing what to expect as we entered Betty's room...
" well, she is alive but unfortunately due to the stab wound it... killed one of her babies!" My heart crumbled one of my children was dead at the hands of 'my girlfriend' but I really wanted to crush the heart and burry her alive! As I hit the floor in tears the doctor helped me up to get to a chair as it would be much more comfortable...
"Due to your reaction, I presume you are the father. Am I correct" still in morning I nodded "if you would like you can see you baby boy before he is cremated" I took a deep breath
"Thank you doctor". When I saw my son I lost all feeling in my body it was as if I was dead inside! My little boy, not even the size of tomato was bleed out in front of me... he was gone! The doctor came back in after I was left alone for about 4 minuets,
" on behalf of the hospital we our donating a memorial box for this brave little man! As we gave his life to protect his twin" the doctor handed me a sonogram of my two children before my son died, he was holding on to his twin protecting them from the knife! " your son in a hero, mr Andrews! His blood wasn't for nothing, because of him you still have a living child!"

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