1: Natasha

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Music: In This World (Unikron Remix) - Joel Vaughn

(Y/N) = Your Name
(L/N) = Last Name
(E/C) = Eye Colour

(Y/N) = Your Name(L/N) = Last Name(E/C) = Eye Colour

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:Chapter One:

She didn't mean for this to happen.

She didn't want this to happen.

But it couldn't helped. And even if I could, she wouldn't care - they had this coming all along. Bright lights of energy evaporated from her palms as she stared at the two shivering figures in front of her.

"(Y-Y/N), please, you don't want to do this."

(Y/N) chuckled ominously, stalking closer, "Oh? Don't I?" she asked the male, the words dripping from her mouth like poison, "If I remember correctly, you turned me into this."

"So how could you dare to do this to us!" the female beside him shouted, trying to cover her fear through anger, but (Y/N) could see right through that façade.

"You turned me into this, you deal with the consequences!" (Y/N) snarled, eyes slowly starting to gleam bright red.

The two figures shivered at her stance, trying to edge further back against the wall, "We gave you power, and this is how you repay us?" the man asked.

"I never wanted this!" (Y/N) gritted her teeth, "I never asked for you to inject me with shit and turn me into this!"

"(Y/N) (L/N)."

The female tensed at the new voice, turned to face the newcomer. She saw three people, one with a large hammer in his hand, someone in a metal suit holding up his guns and a red headed female who pointed her weapons at her.

"Who are you?" (Y/N) growled, clenching her fists and storing the energy in them.

"That's on a need to know basis. For now, you need to come with us." the redhead told her, lowering her weapon slightly, not wanting to scare the child any more than she already was.

"Yes, please take this monstrosity away from us!"

The three avengers noticed anger flicker through the female's (E/C) eyes before she turned, "I never asked for this! I never asked for you to turn me into a monster! I don't want to be the nightmares of younger children but this is what you made me!"

"Lady (Y/N)." The hammer-holding male warned, "Think about what you want to do. They will serve the punishment they deserve. Come with us before you do something you may regret."

(Y/N) saw the small smirks on the faces of those below her and she glared at them, light energy once again appearing in her hands, "The only thing I'll regret is not ending the life of these two assholes."

"If you do this," the man of iron spoke, stepping closer, "You'll be no different to them. You'll be exactly what they call you - a monster."

(Y/N) turned and glared at the three angrily, "I'm already a monster." And she wasted no time in ending the life of the two people who had caused her pain for as long as she could remember.



Punch, kick, dodge.

(Y/N) breathed heavily, swinging her leg over her training partner before ducking under an incoming swing. She gripped the leg just before it escaped and swung the person around. Natasha landed with a grunt, but didn't hesitate in knocking (Y/N)'s feet from under her and rolling to the side.

(Y/N) and Natasha sat up, glaring across from one another. Okay, (Y/N) thought, you want to play it that way?

They both ran at each other full speed. When they were closer enough, Natasha swung her foot with in intent to knock her down but (Y/N) skidded along the floor on her knees, dodging the attack before grabbing Natasha's leg.

"Wow. If this is what your training is like, I might have to come and watch more often." The two agents paused, turning to look at the male who stood by the door.

"Stark." Natasha nodded, "(Y/N) is making excellent progress in combat, as well as thriving in weaponry."

Tony Stark smirked, eating a few blueberries, "Do you think she's ready for the field?"

(Y/N) gasped, "Really, Mr Stark! I've waited forever to go on an actual mission!"

Natasha shook her head, "Tony, you know better than to get her hopes up." (Y/N) pouted at the agent, taking a sip of her water, "Besides, Director Fury has yet to deem her ready."

"Ready?" Tony chuckled, "She was ready the day she came here."

"You mean the day you put me in a cell?" (Y/N) raised an eyebrow.

"The cage was simply a precaution, and besides that wasn't my idea!" Tony raised his hands before offering (Y/N) some food, "Blueberry?"

She accepted the food and turned to Natasha, "When do you think I'll be allowed to go on a mission?"

"I think you were ready during the battle in New York, but Fury said otherwise." Stark muttered, earning a harsh glare from the Agent beside them.

"You and I both know why that was." she hissed before turning to (Y/N), "I'm sure Fury will let you know when the time is right."

"Indeed he will." A voice broke out and the one eyed director walked through the door, "And that time is now."

(Y/N) gaped at the male before her, "Really?"

Fury nodded, tapping on a small tablet, "I need you, Agent Romanoff and Agent Barton to guard the sceptre. We've reason to believe that Loki will be after it."

"That God guy?" (Y/N) asked before scoffing, glaring at the ground, "I hate that guy."

Tony chuckled, "Yep, Reindeer Games ain't got nothing on us."

"Didn't he throw you out of a window?" (Y/N) asked, grinning.

"That was one time and you guys hold it against me like its everything!" He muttered before walking out.

"Anyway, Director, back to the mission." Romanoff turned to face Fury.

"Hang on, I thought Loki was in a cell?" (Y/N) asked.

"He is," Fury nodded as they began to walk away from the training room, "But we've been experiencing technical difficulties through the sceptre, and there's only one guy I know that wants it more that anything."

The two Agents nodded, "When do we start?"

"I'll need you two and Barton to come by first thing tomorrow, from there we'll discuss more and what you'll be up against." Fury dismissed them, leaving Natasha with (Y/N).

They didn't walk more than three meters before (Y/N) jumped, startling the redhead, "Natasha I'm so excited!"

The agent chuckled at the young female, "Okay, but you still need to calm down. You need to be in the right state of mind for this."

"Okay, okay..." (Y/N) breathed before grabbing hold of her arm, "I'm gonna go tell Thor!" Natasha chuckled as she watched the young agent run off to find the God of Thunder.

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