5: New Living Quarters

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Music: Bonfire - Felix Jaehn

(Y/N) = Your Name
(F/C) = Favourite Colour
(E/C) = Eye Colour
(G/S) = Gaming System
(F/F) = Favourite Food (preferably warm)

(Y/N) = Your Name(F/C) = Favourite Colour(E/C) = Eye Colour(G/S) = Gaming System (F/F) = Favourite Food (preferably warm)

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:Chapter Five:

"Mr Stark, I don't know what's going on!"

"Hang on, (Y/N), we're figuring it out!" The genius shouted back above the noise, trying to hide the panic in his voice.

Bruce looked over the results, covering his mouth with his hand, "Tony." he drew a breath, showing the billionaire what was on the screen.

Tony's eyes widened, flinching again when he heard her shouts, "Mr Stark, please help me! I don't know what's happening!" (Y/N) cried out.

She could feel the pain soaring through her body. Cables attached to her arms as she screamed hoarsely, clenching her fists. She could hear JARVIS and Dr Banner yelling at Tony, but no words would form in her mind.

"(Y/N), you have to control your power!" Tony called to her, desperation evident in his voice.

"I can't!" she cried. A sudden burst of energy left her body, causing all the wires around her to short circuit and fizzle out. Both humans ducked under the small explosions, but Tony didn't give up.

"JARVIS, how fast can you make those limiters?" he shouted, hastily typing on his computer.

"Already working on it, Sir." JARVIS's voice was hurried, almost as if he reflected his creator's emotions. Tony knew that his AI still needed time, but with the way (Y/N)'s body was dangerously fast to breaking, he needed to either fasten JARVIS's pace or try to slow hers down.

"Tony, I know a way, but you're not going to like it." Banner called out to the billionaire, catching his eye.

The genius knew what he was thinking, but he couldn't risk it. He could risk both his friends' lives, "Bruce, you can't."

"He can though." Dr Banner told him, "He might be able to share the radiation flowing through them and slow down hers. It will give JARVIS more time Tony!"

Banner knew that Tony didn't want to risk him, but (Y/N) was close to him as well. He would risk his life to save hers. So without Tony's response, he took it upon himself, "Okay, Hulk, you've got to work with me on this."

Banner transformed into the Hulk before crashing through the glass that sealed (Y/N) from the world. (Y/N) saw him walking towards her and tried to stop him, "Hulk, don't! I'll hurt you!"

"(Y/N) Hulk's friend!" he spoke before grabbing hold of her small arm. He grunted as the radiation entered him as well, but that didn't make him let go - he was helping her.

Tony gave a staggered breath, "Come on, JARVIS, hurry up."

"Completion at 94%, Sir."

Stark flinched as (Y/N) screamed again, wanting nothing more than to cover his ears or even take the pain himself. (Y/N) was like a daughter to him. He saw her the first time, scared and alone, and he didn't want her to feel that way ever again. He wanted to make sure that she  never felt pain again - and he failed.

"Limiters are ready, Mr Stark!" JARVIS told him, taking it upon himself to wrap them around (Y/N)'s wrists.

And at that moment, everything stopped. No light, no electric, no noise. (Y/N) was safe again.


"And this is were you'll be staying." (Y/N) pushed open the door to a bedroom next to hers and walking in, Loki hot on her tail. The room was fairly modern with black and white walls, black sheets on the bed and a white carpet, "You also have your own bathroom over there."

Loki hummed, "Fairly small for a billionaire."

(Y/N) rolled her (E/C) eyes at the God, "Yeah, you're welcome, you royal brat." she muttered sarcastically before walking out.

"You know, you shouldn't be rude to a God." Loki called after her.

"I'll be rude to whoever the hell I want." (Y/N) spoke to herself, walking into her own room. Since she had been here before, her room was more personalised compared to the basic black and white.

The wall at the far end was painted (F/C) and acted like a back drop to the bed. And she had the same white carpet and separate bathroom as Loki's room. Her bedding was a dark shade of (F/C), and on the wall was a large TV, complete with (G/S) and her favourite games.

(Y/N) sighed before jumping face first onto the plush bedding, sighing contently. It was peaceful until the God from the other room showed up, "Thank you."

(Y/N) sat up and turned to look at him in shock, "What did you say?"

Loki snorted, rolling emerald eyes, "I'm not saying it again."

The female grinned and walked beside him and out the door, patting his arm, "Good, some progress. Do you want some food?"

"What do you Midgardians usually eat?" he asked, following the female into the open kitchen.

(Y/N) shrugged, "Whatever we fancy. I personally like (F/F) the most."

"I suppose I could try that."

(Y/N) began to prepare the food, beginning to think about the God sat on the kitchen island behind her. She'd heard stories about him, and she saw how he attacked New York and led the Chitauri, but that God seemed nothing like the God sat behind her. She would ask, but she didn't think he'd cooperate within a few hours of meeting her. She had to gain his trust.

"You know, Midgardian sounds so much better than human." she thought aloud, leaving Loki to frown at her.

"What?" he asked in confusion.

"Well human sounds so boring compared to Midgardian." (Y/N) spoke, dishing up the food, "Midgardian sounds superior and more powerful."

Loki scoffed, "You could only wish." (Y/N) handed Loki the food, watching as he took the first bite. However, as he did so, he immediately spat it out, covering his mouth with a tissue, "Are you trying to scald me!" he shouted.

(Y/N) burst into laughter, snickering at his inability to cool down his food, "Oh dear God." she snickered, "You're supposed to blow it to cool it down! What? Did you have a maid to do that for your royal ass?"

Loki looked taken back by her statement and glared at her, "So what if I did?"

(Y/N) pushed the plate back towards him, "Well, sorry, Princess, around here you've got to hold your own."

Loki muttered under his breath, but then watched as (Y/N) blew the hot air away from her food before eating it, "What are those on your wrists?" he asked.

(Y/N) paused, swallowing her food and rotating the limiters on her wrists, "They're inhibitor rings."

"Which are?"

"Basically they prevent me from spontaneous combustion. Because of my... power, I need to be careful on how much energy I use. If I use too much, it would kill me. Mr Stark created these to stop me from killing myself during training or missions." (Y/N) answered.

"Is that why the sceptre didn't control you?" Loki asked.

(Y/N) shook her head, "Nope. And I'm not telling you. That's a story for another day."

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