23: End Game

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Music: Remember Me For Centuries - Djniqomusic

(Y/N) = Your Name
(E/C) = Eye Colour

(Y/N) = Your Name(E/C) = Eye Colour

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:Chapter Twenty-Three:

How long had they been fighting? Minutes, hours - Loki couldn't tell anymore. All he knew was that (Y/N) was highly powerful, and even he was struggling. He knew that she was strong just by injuring his brother, not many could do that, but battling her one-on-one? It hurt.

He'd only known (Y/N) for a short amount of time, and yet she'd become his friend. She'd become his ally, the person he could trust - just like she promised. And now it felt like he was breaking his promise by hurting her.

Loki had gotten a few hits on her, the wound on her forehead and stomach proved that much, but (Y/N) had gotten hits on him, and by Odin's beard did they hurt.

(Y/N) dodged another attack from the God before throwing a light energy spear towards him. Loki's emerald eyes studied her movements before running towards her, ducking and skidding to a halt before striking her again.

The female grunted, before throwing her fist on his head, light energy throwing him off guard and giving her enough time to escape his grasp. Loki glared at the female, copies of himself surrounding her, caging her in.

(Y/N) gritted her teeth, clenching her fists and twirling. Tony glanced at her wrists, eyes widening slightly when he realised her inhibitor rings no longer residing on them. "Bruce, her limiters..." he looked towards the doctor who had returned to his human form after help from Natasha.

Banner looked before gaping, "We have to get her limiters back on - did you make a spare copy?"

"They're back at the lab." Stark nodded before turning to the passed out boy beside him, "I'll take Pete with me - he can't stay here."

"We'll keep everything under control here." Steve nodded.

Stark smirked, glancing at the female attacking Loki's copies, "You'll never get this under control, Cap." and he took off without another word.

Rogers sighed, watching him go, "We have to at least try."

"Steve..." Bucky nudged his friend. The soldier had never seen his friend look so... fearful. Steve knew that Bucky was hiding it, but some still seeped into his dark eyes. The Winter Soldier nodded in the direction of the trees.

Steve, Natasha, Bruce, Clint and Thor squinted into the darkness, but their eyes widened when a familiar face came into view. Captain America stepped forward, "Zola."

"Greetings, my awful company! Are you enjoying the battle?" Arnim grinned, his hologrammed form walking towards them.

"What have you done to (Y/N), you static bastard." Clint snapped, clenching his fists around his bow.

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