8: Peter

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Music: Unstoppable (Rebel Remix) - The Score

(Y/N) = Your Name
(E/C) = Eye Colour

[A/N: I've decided to make Peter a little bit older, more like 17/18, rather than 15 like the movies.]

:Chapter Eight:

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:Chapter Eight:

"Mr Stark, what is it that you do?" (Y/N) asked, following the genius billionaire through the SHIELD helicarrier. She had only been here for a few weeks and the only person she felt comfortable around was Tony. It made Pepper smile at how Tony looked after (Y/N) like his own daughter.

The genius frowned, "You don't know who I am? Wow, they really didn't let you know anything outside the room did they?"

(Y/N) looked down, "You know they didn't."

Tony nudged the young teenager, a small grin on his face, "Well, I'm Iron Man." (Y/N) looked even more puzzled so the genius raised his hands as they walked into his lab, "JARVIS, you know the drill."

"The Mark 42 reboot, Sir?"

Tony nodded, "That's the one." he turned to the girl next to him, "You might want to take a step back, squirt."

(Y/N) stood back in the nick of time as something blasted past her, slamming straight onto the billionaire's arm. (E/C) eyes glanced around, ducking suddenly when another shot past. She watched as the metal unclipped and moved over his body, connecting to each other. (Y/N) gasped, staring at the male before her as his body covered in the Iron Man suit.

"Wow, did you make that?" she asked, walking up to him.

"It's limited edition, like it?" Tony spoke.

(Y/N) nodded, "It looks amazing!"


(Y/N) skipped out of the elevator and into the lab, glancing around. She ducked under a sweeping robot with a grin, "Hey, Dum-E. Still got that Dunce cap on?" The robot acknowledged her by nodding it's head before continuing it's work.

"JARVIS, where's Mr Stark?"

"Mr Stark has just gone out but he told me to tell you that he shall only be a few minutes. You are welcome to roam around." the AI answered.

"Cool!" she grinned before slumping in Tony's chair and sliding across the ground. (Y/N) enjoyed being in Tony's lab, mostly because it was nothing like the one she was brought up in. This lab was much more welcoming and friendly compared to the harsh reality of her past.

(Y/N) walked around, staring at the genius' blueprints for a new suit, noticing some odd changes and scribbles out. She grabbed a pencil and paper, sketching out a few design ideas before Tony arrived again.

"Hey, (Y/N). Editing my work again?" he asked.

(Y/N) didn't turn and simply nodded, "I though that if you added more colour along the sides, it might look better - like your original suit?"

Tony looked at her ideas before grinning, "(Y/N), I'd like you to meet the new recruit, Peter Parker!"

(Y/N) suddenly shot up, turning around to face the younger male beside Tony, "Wait. You're the Spider-Man aren't you?"

Peter paused as he took a chunk out of his doughnut before grinning, "Finally, someone gets it right!"

Tony rolled his eyes, "Sure thing, Spider-boy." he turned back to (Y/N), "Since you are often around older people, I though you'd like to hang out with someone closer to your age."

"Sure," (Y/N) smiled, "Do you want to hang out here or on my floor? Though, Loki is there, he might not appreciate that."

"You're welcome to hang out here, I enjoy the company of my two favourite kids." Tony grinned, "Plus, (Y/N), I have a surprise for you." he beckoned her over to the projection board before an image was brought up.

"Whoa, is that a new blueprint for a limiter?" (Y/N) asked, twisting her own around her wrists.

"Wow, you must be really powerful if you need limiters to keep your power at bay." Peter gaped.

"Indeed she is," Tony stated before turning to the female, "But recently Banner has noticed some new form of radiation emitting from your body. It doesn't seem dangerous, however he's coming over later in the week to assess you more. I thought that you'd feel more protected if you had a higher version of limiters around your wrists."

(Y/N) slipped her arm through the projected image before clenching her fist, allowing her to turn the band as she moved, "This seems different to the ones I have now."

"The inhibitor rings you have now were simply a deterrent for the excess power to be absorbed by. They were never supposed to last long." Tony spoke.

"So, the inhibitor rings prevent your power from becoming uncontrollable?" Peter asked. (Y/N) nodded, shocked at his understanding, "These bands look like they'll be made from carbon fibre, or maybe even vibranium! Which is really rare!"

"It's strong enough to hold a mini arc reactor around the band, which will prevent you from over powering yourself." Tony told her.

(Y/N) rotated her wrist before taking away her arm, "Thanks, Mr Stark!"


(Y/N) hummed happily, reaching her floor once again. It was late at night, and she'd hung out with Peter most of the day. They actually had a lot in common, and Peter even said that he'd help her with studying.

"Loki?" It was strangely quiet, and her first thought was that the God may have escaped.

She wandered around the floor until she reached his room, a small smile painted on her lips. Loki laid on his back, book fallen onto his chest with small snores coming from him. His original uniform had been replaced with a comfy look sweatshirt and jeans.

(Y/N) walked over to him and gently took the book away from him and placed it on the side before turning to look at him.

Was he really as bad as they said?

The God looked so innocent and peaceful as he slept, taking himself away from the harsh reality he'd cut for himself. (Y/N) didn't really know anything about his life, or what happened on Asgard, but something must've gone wrong for him to do what he had done.

Subconsciously, she ran her hand through his raven locks, surprised at how smooth and silky they were, but she immediately drew back when he stirred, "What are you doing?" he asked, a husky hint in his voice.

"I-I was just checking up on you." she quickly spoke, a faint blush spreading across her cheeks.

Loki hummed, sitting up, "You've been gone for a while." he stated.

"Sorry, Mr Stark wanted Peter and I to help him in the lab, and then we hung out for a while after." She told him, "Did you like those books?"

The God must've been truly tired. He seemed rather pleasant to talk to now, like he didn't have a clue of his reality so far, "They're okay, I suppose."

(Y/N) nodded before turning and walking away, "Well, I'm going to bed so see you tomorrow!" she waved.

Loki stared after her, frowning slightly. What was that feeling?

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