6: Music

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Music: The Phoenix - Fall Out Boy

(Y/N) = Your Name

[A/N: for this chapter, your favourite band(s) are already decided as I'm going to put lyrics in. If you want to change it then you can!]

 If you want to change it then you can!]

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:Chapter Six:

"What's this?" (Y/N) frowned, looking down at the small device in her hands.

"It's an iPod." Stark told her with grin, "It holds tons of music for you to listen to!"

"Why are you giving me this?"

"Well, for starters, you're a teenager. And I think every teenager should be able to listen to music and just rave anytime they want!" Stark answered, "And second, I know you're struggling with a lot of your emotions and ability to control your power. Music is kind of like an outlet for your feelings, so I thought maybe it could help."

"What kind of music have you put on here?" (Y/N) asked, popping the ear buds in. She had seen many of the privileged kids where she was raised use these before, but they were used for the means of controlling them - not music.

"Well, I've put a few of my favourites in, like AC/DC, however there's a few new ones in there from this generation of kids." Stark answered, turning back to his desk and looking over a few blueprints.

(Y/N) scanned through the the albums and artists, "Fall Out Boy?"

Tony grinned, "Can't go wrong with Fall Out Boy, (Y/N)! I've also hooked the iPod up to JARVIS, so he'll be able to play any song you like if you ask."

(Y/N) presses played, listening to the first Fall Out Boy song that came up, an immediate smile lighting up her features, "Thank you, Mr Stark."


Loki groaned, rubbing a hand down his face, "Do we have to listen to this mortal trash continuously?" He growled, stomping into the living room.

He paused, staring at the female as she danced around, rocking her body to the sound of the music. It's like she didn't have a care in the world. She blocked herself from the outside, dancing around the coffee table in the middle of the room, a bright smile on her face.

'Hey, young blood!
Doesn't it feel, like our time is running out?
I'm gonna change you, like a remix.
Then I'll raise you, like a phoenix!'

(Y/N) cheered, but suddenly stopped when she saw Loki standing in the hallway, an unamused look on his face.

"JARVIS, pause music." She spoke before smiling nervously, "Uh, how long have you been there?"

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