21: Red

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Music: Cold World - Andrew Garcia

(Y/N) = Your Name
(E/C) = Eye Colour

(Y/N) = Your Name(E/C) = Eye Colour

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:Chapter Twenty-One:

"You can't escape it. Why fight it at all?" the female asked, holding a dark purple notebook in her hands.

(Y/N) clenched her fists, the veins on her wrists whitening as she tried to yank herself away from the restraints, "I can try."

The women simply smiled, stepping in front of her daughter, "You know you'll never win against this - you will always comply. It's already in your bloodstream and you can't escape it."

Darkened (E/C) eyes looked up from under her lashes, glaring at the female she once called her mother, "I'm not a winter soldier."

"No." the lady smiled, "You're something much more weaker to the defiance and much stronger to fight against."

"I will escape it. Eventually, you'll no longer be able to control me."

"Today is not that day." the woman hummed, flipping through the pages of the notebook, "Zola labelled these specifically for this - you will learn to do as we say."

"Never." (Y/N) spat. She'd heard stories of the man with the metal arm who escaped this - it was possible. If he could do it, so could she.

"Let's find out, shall we?" the female grinned, before turning to the right page and beginning, "Эхо.[echo]."

"No." (Y/N) breathed, yanking with wide-eyes at the restraints.

"Музыка [music]. Побаловать [indulge]."


"Голос [voice]." the woman turned, staring at the young teenager as she began to thrash in her bounds, "Надеюсь [hope]."

"No." (Y/N) shouted, nails digging deep enough into her palms to draw blood.

"Бесконечно [infinitely]. Нуля [zero]."

The teenager's restraints began to weaken under the pressure forced on them. (Y/N) gritted her teeth, held slamming back against the chair, "STOP!"

"Арена [arena]." the woman smirked, noticing the veins along the girl brighten as her power flowed through her.

(Y/N)'s left hand suddenly became free, and she immediately tried to attack her right, yanking and tugging on the chains with an angry snarl. She tried to ignore the woman before her, "Улучшение [improvement]."

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