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Darling Dearest 🤍 + Baby Doll 💜

Darling Dearest🤍
Hey love, I finished shooting
earlier than expected. Thought
we'd go out for dinner tonight!

Baby Doll💜
I'd love to, but I have plans with
Joe tonight..raincheck? xx

Darling Dearest🤍
Can't you two hang out another

Baby Doll💜
Joe and I have been planning
movie night for weeks now. I cant
just cancel last minute.

Darling Dearest🤍
Please? Just this once?
We never get a night to

Baby Doll💜

Darling Dearest🤍
Melody, please. We hardly see
each other without everyone
else around.

Baby Doll💜
I'll see you in an hour.. xx


J + Mel🦋

Can't make it to movie night..
Thomas finished shooting early
and wants to go out..sorry

You're joking right? Melody, we've
been planning this for the
last two months.

I know, and I really am sorry.
We can reschedule I promise!

Not if he decides he wants to
suddenly go on a date again.

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For sure! Have fun, can't wait
to hear about it.
Read at 6:27pm

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