My New Dad (Adopted Imagines) Part 2!

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Your POV

I wake up and open my eyes. I'm met by a black metal ceiling. Wait, what? I sit up quickly and bang my head on something. I flop out of the bed and then remember where I am. I'm on a tour bus! Billie is letting me go on tour with them! "YAAAAAAAY!" I jump up and down, squealing. The door bangs open, revealing Tré. "What? What happened? I heard screaming. Is there a spider?" He says, looking around, wondering whats going on. I shake my head, smiling. "Nope. I'm just out of that hellhole, and I got adopted by my favorite band EVER!" Billie walks in and hugs me. "Hey, y/n. Can you play any instruments?" He asks me. I smile, nodding. "Yeah, I play electric guitar, or played, until Makenzie smashed my guitar," I say, my smile sliding off my face. "It was really pretty. It was wooden, and wine red that faded into black on the outside. It sounded so good, and I used my life savings on it. One day, I bumped into her while she was doing her makeup, and messed her up. She got really mad, shoved me on the floor, and started destroying stuff. She smashed my American Idiot vinyl record and shattered my phone. Her grand finale was dropping my guitar off our third story bedroom window." I feel fingers wiping away tears I wasn't aware of. I look up, and Mike is wiping my tears away. He smiles at me, and says, "She sounds horrible, I'm glad I got you instead of her." I smile and hug him. Soon enough, Billie and Tré join in. We let go, and Billie shares a look with Mike and Tré. "Well, y/n. Why don't we get you a guitar?" My face lights up, and I nod vigorously. 

We walk to a guitar center, getting bombarded by multiple fans along the way. All of them are really nice to me, except one, who said, "It should be me next to him, not you, bitch." Billie responded to this by taking her just signed photo and tearing it to shreds. When we get there, we are greeted by a teenage boy. He sighs and lazily says, "Welcome to Guitar Center. If you need help, just ask me." I run around, this place is like a litteral guitar theme park! I go to the back, where I find a Les Paul, the same color as my old one. I smile, and take it off the wall, and start fooling around. I finally settle on a song to play. American Idiot!

"Don't wanna be an American idiot

Don't want a nation under the new media
And can you hear the sound of hysteria?
The subliminal mind-fuck America                                                                                                                 
Welcome to a new kind of tension
All across the alien nation
Where everything isn't meant to be okay
Television dreams of tomorrow
We're not the ones who're meant to follow
For that's enough to argue"

I finish the chorus, and find Billie smiling at me. "That was great! You should play a show with us y/n!" I smile, and look at the price tag. "HOLY SHIT! NOPE!" I yell, putting the guitar back. 1,530 fucking dollars. Oh well. Billie picks it up, and walks toward the checkout. "Wait, It's way, way, too expensive!" I yell after him. He turns around, and says, "Well, do you want it?" I nod, then shake my head, then nod again. He smiles, and says, "Make up your mind! If you like it, we're getting it." I smile, and say, "I don't like it." His smile falls. "I LOVE IT!" He bursts out laughing, and pays for the guitar. We get back to the tour bus, and I practice American Idiot. 

We are in San Fransisco for a tour. I get to play and sing American Idiot! I'm so exited! I walk behind Billie, Tré, and Mike. I suddenly get pulled back. I look up and see a giant security guard. "Hey! No fans are allowed backstage," He booms at me. "I-I, I'm B-Billie's" I stutter, under pressure. "Oh, George! That's my daughter, y/n!" Billie says, looking back. "Oh, sorry miss y/n." George says, letting go of me. "It's ok!" I smile at him. "You are great at your job! I can tell!" I smile, nothing could possibly ruin my night. 

It's midnight, and we just got back to the bus. We are driving home to Oakland today, and my life is so much better. I'll make friends, and even if I don't, I have the best family in the world. 

A/N: Here's part two!! Hope you enjoyed it! Comment ideas, because my slushy brain can only come up with so much. See you next update!

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