The Concert (Part 3)

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A/N: This was written on my phone so sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes

As me and y/f/n are walking back to the car, I hear someone calling my name. Y/f/n nudges me, points and says, "looks like someone wants another duet." I look back and see Billie jogging towards us, waving his arms trying to get our attention. I smile, and turn back towards him. "Hey, what's up?" I ask, stopping so he can catch up. "Hey, do you an your friend want to come backstage and hang with me and the band?" He asks us, surprising me. "Uh, me?" I ask, turning around to see if anyone was behind me. "Yes! You! Ya are the girl that sang today, right?" He asks, looking confused. "Yup! That's me! Y/n Y/l/n!" I giggle, getting nervous. We walk towards the green room, y/f/n right next to me.

A/N: Sorry this is short it's just hard to write on my midget phone screen. I will update tomorrow. I'm so sorry for being inactive lately. I just got anxiety about whether my stories were shit, and so I stopped writing for a bit. But I'm back!! See you next update!

P.S: I will do a gay imagine after I finish the concert.

P.P.S: Requests are open! Just tell me whether you want it as you, or just y/n, and what band member you want it with!

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