The Bar (Billie Joe Armstrong Imagines)

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Your POV

"Get out! I don't even want you as my daughter anymore!" I sprint out, hearing bottles being thrown at me, shattering against the floor, the wall, whatever they hit. I feel a searing pain in my arm, and look to see a piece of glass, sharp as a dagger, in my skin. I pull it out and stop running. I rip part of my flannel, making a makeshift bandage. I cry, sliding down the wall of a building. I dig in my pockets, bringing up a twenty and two tens, along with a couple quarters. I stand up and see a bar. Not that uncommon in this neighborhood. I walk in, flashing my ID. I turned twenty-one three months ago. I push through multiple sweaty people and sit on a bar stool. I look up at the band playing. The banner reads, 'Green Day.' Huh. I order a Jack Daniels and watch the band play. The singer is cute. His hair is spiked, and he sports a leather jacket and eyeliner. I sip my Jack, watching the singer. He glances up, and our eyes meet. I blush, looking away quickly. He smiles and finishes the song. Suddenly, I get pulled, and I am face to face with a very, VERY, drunk man. He smiles at me, and slurs, "Whatz a purty gurl like you doin all alone? I can make you not alones anymore." He's getting uncomfortably close. "Uh, no thanks, I'm good," I say, trying to push him away. "Awww, on little kiss won' huurt." He slurs, pulling me on his sweaty chest. "NO!" I say, pushing him away. His expression turns angry. "Fine. I'll do this the hard way," He says, grabbing me. "HEY! GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY GIRL!" I feel the man release me. I hear a crack, and the drunken man is on the floor, his nose obviously broken. I look up and see the lead singer has saved me. "Hey, let's get the fuck outta here, yeah?" He says, looking at me. I nod and follow him out of the bar. "Hey, you ok?" He asks. "Yeah, thanks, uh-" "Billie. My names Billie." I nod, smiling. "My names y/n." He smiles at me. "Hey, uhm, ya know what I said in there to save ya? I'd actually, um, I'd like ya to be, my actual, uhm, girl. You're really cute, an-" I cut him off by kissing him. Our lips move in sync, and sparks fly. "I'll be your girl." 

A/N: Here's another short one! Two in one day! I had extra time, so here ya go! See you next update!

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