New kid

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A/N: Okay i'm putting Black Veil Brides in here as bullies, but this shouldn't ruin their reputations. Even though they may look scary, and i kinda portray them this way in the story, they're really not. I hope you go check them out if you've never heard of them. Okey bye.

There you were, at the entrance of Oak High school. You had just transferred, and were super nervous. You walked into the school carefully, found your locker, the number written on a slip of paper, along with the passcode. You open it up, putting stuff in it, and taking the stuff you need. You turn around, avoiding the stares you got. You walk briskly into your classroom, but not quick enough to avoid the voice saying, "ooh fresh meat." You sit at the very, VERY, back of the classroom, in the corner. But, to your dismay, you were surrounded by black leather clad eyes people. You look up, seeing they were all facing you. They certainly had you surrounded, not only by the seats next to you, but also by the seats diagonal to you. You whimpered, sliding down in you seat, causing the tallest, scariest, one to smirk. The teacher walked in, causing you to sigh in relief, but he said the one thing that you were dreading the most. "Um, Y/N Y/L/N, come up here and tell us about yourself." You gulped, standing up, almost tripping over the outstretched leg of one of the leather jacket boys, causing all of them to snicker. You get to the front of the classroom, turn around, clear your throat, and say, "Um, my names Y/N, I moved here to Oakland from (A place you want to live, or where you live), and I like drawing, playing (favorite instrument), and singing. My favorite band is (favorite 80s band), and, uh, yeah." Rocking back and forth on your heels and toes, you speed walk back to you seat, careful to step over the boy's legs this time. "Okay," the teacher says with a clap, "time to partner up! I've chosen your partners, so don't be asking for someone Okay. Amanda is with Lucas. Cristian is with Ashley. Jeremy or, sorry, uh, Jinxx is with Jake, sorry," he seems to be afraid of these kids, "Um, Katy is with Chad, uh, Thomas is with Ed, and uh, Y/N is with Andy. Okay, let's get to work. Instructions are on the board, let's go!" You look around, thinking you couldn't possibly be paired up with a leather boi (I'm sorry my ipad autocorrected it this way and i'm not gonna change it), but are met with a smirking blue eyed, ring leader, or, Andy. He smirks, scooting closer, "let's get to work then."

Okay Billie, Tre, and Mike are gonna be in part 2. I'm planning for this one to have 3-4 parts, so hang in there. Also, if you haven't already, please read the first A/N, it's important. Also, school has been messing me up, along with my other more personal issues, so i'm sorry bout the hiatus. I hope you guys don't hate meeee. Okey bai.

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