Chapter 3

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Annabeth sighed as she ran her hand through her hair. Rather than the mysterious manila file answering all her questions about Percy they only made more.

Using whatever school work she had that night to try and distract herself was a futile effort. Her mind would keep wandering while she would be reading a passage from Henry V or a section of her Psychology textbook. Annabeth glanced over at the clock once she finished her Calculus homework for that night. Seeing it was already near midnight, she walked upstairs to go to sleep.

As she laid in bed her mind kept assaulting her with thoughts of a certain leather clad bad boy.



Percy tore out of the school parking lot, the wind rushing past him as he rode his motorcycle. Riding his bike was one of the three things that allowed him to clear his head, and he really needed that right now. He pulled into the parking lot of the garage and stopped his bike, pulling off his helmet and shaking his head.

"Hey Percy! You better clock in or else you're gonna be counted as late" Leo called as he stood in the doorway of the garage. "Is what I would say if I wasn't such an amazing friend and hadn't already clocked you in"

Leo was about Percy's age. He was working at the shop even before Percy had gotten a job there. He just had this way with cars that made him one of the best young mechanics in the area. Leo wore brown pants, suspenders, and a white button up shirt that had more grease and oil stains than any rag in the shop. He also had this toolbelt that held more tools and parts than what Percy thought was humanly possible.

"Thanks" Percy mumbled as he shook out of his leather jacket and walked into the garage.

"Wow, what happened to your shirt?" Nyssa asked. "Percy you do realize the food goes in your mouth right?"

"Shut up. What's on my schedule today?" Percy snapped.

Nyssa was older than Percy by a few years. She could easily be described as one of those female action heroes. But the smiley face band-aid on her chin usually ruined the illusion. She usually wore a tank top and a red bandana to tie back her dark hair that contrasted her chocolate brown skin.

Nyssa handed Percy a clipboard which had his first job of the day as she replaced one of her own.

Percy took a deep breath as he walked over to the Ford Torus and grabbed a few tools, sitting down on the creeper and sliding underneath the Torus.

"So what's got your panties in a twist?"

"I have no clue what you are talking about Valdez" Percy replied as he slid out from under the car to look up at the Latino.

"Well you had this look..." Leo said, wiping the oil and grease off his hands.

"Like you wanted to punch someone, and then run them over with your bike" Nyssa finished. She had the hood of a Volkswagen beetle open and was working on the cooling system.

"Yes! That!" Leo exclaimed, then looking back at Percy who only glared at him as he stood up.

"I have no idea what you are talking about" he said grabbing the rag from Leo.

"Amigo, you've got something going on that is not bueno. So tell me before I call in the big guns" Leo said, following Percy as he walked to his tool box.

"Nothing is wrong Valdez, so get off my back" he snapped.

"Ohh, that hurt Percy" Leo said, clutching his chest.

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