Chapter 13

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Percy woke up and let out a small groan. Turning over he looked at his clock and saw that it was about 9:00am. Taking a deep breath he sat up and rubbed his eyes, sliding off his bed and walking towards the bathroom.

He splashed some cold water on his face, waking him up fully. Then after brushing his teeth and running a quick brush through his hair, he walked back to his room.

Putting on a white short sleeve shirt and jeans, he walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge.

There was a little bit of milk and about three eggs that hadn't gone bad yet, which he could use for some breakfast.

Getting the needed utensils, Percy made himself some scrambled eggs. Sliding them onto a plate, he grabbed a carton of orange juice and poured himself a glass. He then sat down at the small counter in the kitchen.

He grabbed his phone as he started to eating his breakfast and unlocked it.

Annabeth: Thanks for coming. I know that you may not have wanted to, or had other things you could have been doing.
It means a lot to me. :)

It was the last thing he looked at before plugging it in.

Sighing he set down his phone and stared at his plate of half-finished scrambled eggs. His appetite was now gone, so he stood up and scraped the eggs into the trashcan putting the dirty dish in the sink.

Walking over to the fridge he looked at the calendar.

He didn't have a shift today, so he was free. Part of him wished he had something to distract him today, but he was grateful for the time he had off.

Percy was confused, and didn't really know what to do. He sighed and grabbed his keys, putting on his shoes he walked out the door of his apartment and locked it behind him.

He walked down the staircase and into the small garage. He put on his helmet and started his ride. It roared to life and he took off out of the garage. Driving through the streets, he reached his destination in about fifteen minutes. He parked on the side of the street and walked into the tattoo shop.

The small bell rang and Nico looked up from a magazine on the counter in front of him.

"Hey Perce!"

"Is Rachel with a client?"

"Just finishing up. She'll be out soon."

Percy nodded and leaned against the counter a bit.

"You okay, man?"

"Yeah. I'm fine."

Nico stared at him curiously for a few seconds before sighing.

"Well, I have some good news though."

Percy smiled. "What?"

"Daddy dearest and my lovely step-mother," Nico said in a sickly sweet tone. "Agreed to let Hazel go to public school. She'll be at Olympus High in the next week or so."

"That's great! I can't wait to see her!"

Nico was smiling as well. "She's really excited. I'm probably going to drop her off on her first day, but do you think you could meet us so she will have someone to walk into school with?"

"Totally, I know that starting in a new school can be tough."

"How many did you go to again?" Nico asked.

"About seven, including this one. I changed schools nearly every year. Sometimes, in the middle of one."

Nico whistled a bit. "Wow man, that's rough."

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