Chapter 9

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"Excuse me?" Mr Chiron asked.

"Dyslexia, I believe Percy Jackson has a mild learning disorder that has hindered his academic potential."

Mr. Chiron put down the file he was reading and stared at Annabeth.

"Annabeth, I know you didn't want to tutor-"

"No! Mr. Chiron! Please listen, this isn't some ploy to try and get me out of the mentor program or anything! I legitimately believe that Percy has a mild case of dyslexia."

Chiron leaned back a bit and stared at Annabeth. She stared at him intently, a look of complete and utter seriousness on her face.

"How did you come to this conclusion?"

"We were going over Percy's math test; which he failed. I was observing him work through some of the problems with him when I noticed something," Annabeth began, pulling a few sheets of paper out of a folder and laying them out in front of him. "He understood most of the math, but he was mixing up variables and numbers."

"This does not mean Mr. Jackson has a learning disorder, Miss Chase."

"I know, I know. But it got me thinking. So I pulled out a book of poems and made him read the famous Robert Frost poem, two roads diverge in a wood. And he was mixing up words and stuttering a bit."

Chiron raised an eyebrow at this.

"And how do you think this leads to Mr. Jackson having dyslexia? He has been in school for almost twelve years, surely one of his teachers must have noticed it?"

"That's the thing!" Annabeth exclaimed, pulling out another stack of papers. "He moved around so much that he was never in one place for a long enough time. So I contacted a few of the teachers from his past schools. And coupling with the fact his behavior record isn't the cleanest, a lot of those teachers simply didn't care enough to pay attention. Some couldn't remember anything other than how many times he was sent to the principal's office."

Mr. Chiron picked up the stack of papers, flipping through it.

"Hm...well.. I must say you have done a considerable amount of research on this."

Annabeth smirked a bit at this. "I always do."

"Miss does Mr. Jackson feel about this?"

"I already talked to him about it. He was a little angry at first, and said nothing was wrong with him. But I talked him down, and discussed it with him. He is waiting outside the office right now."

Chiron thought for a few moments and nodded. "Bring him in."

Annabeth quickly moved to the door and opened it, letting Percy in.

"Mr. Jackson, has Miss Chase told you about this...theory of hers?"

Percy nodded.

"And how do you feel?"

"I-I think that, I've always had a little trouble with reading and math. And most teachers never took the time to even notice. I assumed it was that they were out for me and when Annabeth told me her thoughts on it...I was shocked to say the least. And a bit angry, if I'm being honest. But she told me I can take some test to determine if I am...dyslexic and I think I want to do that."

Chiron moves some of the papers Annabeth gave him to the side, and placed his elbows on the desk.

"I can arrange for you to take the test after school today, Mr. Jackson."

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