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Luna's perspective:
Ring! Ring! Ring!
I rub my eyes , the sunlight is shining out on my window casting a shadow over my bed. I look at the time on my alarm clock.
"What the? It's 7:30 that fast?" I complained, "Oh no, I am going to be late for class." I jumped out of bed and quickly put on my school uniform. I brushed my teeth very fast and dashed down the stairs and saw Aunt Rosie made a splendid plate of food waiting me to eat them. I rushed to eat, grabbed my backpack and ran to open the door.
"Bye honey, have a good day, love you!" Aunt Rosie said.
" 'K bye, love you too!"
I hurried past buildings, and stores, and finally got to school. I ran so fast, I bumped into someone.
"Oh my, so sorry" a voice said, "you okay? I am so sorry!"
"Pfft, Roy bumped into a girl!" Two voices laughed. I ignored them. But Roy? Isn't he in the tfboys band?
"No, no, no, I am the one who didn't see you, I should be the one who needs to say sorry," I said anxiously. When I looked up, my heart fluttered a bit. Who is this handsome guy? Wait, He-he-he really is Roy!
"It's okay, well, I gotta go, next time!"
"Bye!" I whispered, surprised that he was here. Slowly I walked my way to school.
"Yo, Luna! Why are you so late? Aren't you the first person like always to go to class?" Kelly and Andria asked.
"Hi, Kelly! Hi Andria! Um....today I bumped into someone on my way to school..." I mumbled.
"Who did you bump into?" Kelly asked. *Gasp. "Did you bump into them?"
"Them!" Kelly pointed to a spot where a crowd of girls were squealing and laughing.

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