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When I get to school, I saw Roy and Jackson standing outside of the school.
"Hey Luna! We were waiting for you! Wanna go in together?" Roy asked.
"Sure, but just stay one meter apart from me," I said.
Suddenly a bunch of girls were racing past each other to get to Roy. One girl decided to jump on him and cling to him until a fan of Roy's whacked her in the head and gently rested her head on his shoulder and sweetly smiled to him. Girls were fighting to touch Roy, slapping, kicking, and dodging, some girls even know karate. Why you asked? Because I don't want their death glare, and get hurt. You don't have to worry a single thing, because they will "protect" you, how lucky Roy.
I turned away and headed to my class, and then someone tapped my shoulder. Now what...I faced the person who touched me. It was Jackson.
"Are you really Luna?"
"Um, yeah...my name is Luna!" (Awkward)
"What's your last name?"
"I don't remember my last name but my aunt said it's something like Yi.
Jackson tore his eyes away from me and his back faced me. huh? What did I possibly do wrong? What did I say that made him...hmm...what could I describe him right now? Confused?
I jumped at the sound of the school bell, my heart nearly burst out. "Well, that's the bell, see you in Spanish class , Jackson!"
Whew, saved by the bell.
The teacher went in, as my classmates started crowding in. "You are late!" The teacher screamed. A bunch of mumbling apologies escaped from their mouths.
The class stands up and bowed like every single morning. "Hello, Mr.Tyler."
We sat down and opened our notebooks to unit 27.
"Who can say this sentence in a correct and professional Spanish accent without stopping to think how to say this word?" Mr.Tyler instructed. Two hands were raised, Roy was super excited to set a good example , "Pick me! me! Pick me!" He called. But Mr.Tyler ignored him and picked Jackson. Roy gave him a pouting look. (This look was inspired by CREAMY_17 )
"Buenos dias, mucho gusto. Me llamo Jackson. Tengo que irme, hasta luego. Adios!
Good morning, nice to meet you. My name is Jackson. I must be off, see you later. Goodbye!" Jackson stated.
"Very good," Mr.Tyler clapped. "I hope you all will be like Jackson, speaking up and translating very well. Good job."
"Thank you, teacher." Jackson looked at me and winked.
"Now who can say it faster?" The teacher asked.
I raised my hand high. "I want to do it, sir." I said with confidence. I glared at Jackson as he give me one of his creepy smiles.
"Alright, go ahead."
I said the same thing but much faster and did not hesitate to say the words. "Perfection! You and Jackson are good at Spanish nowadays, am I right?"
"Thank you, teacher. We studied Spanish day and night so we are good at it." Jackson said looking at me.
The bell rang.
"Well, that wraps it up. Good Spanish class guys, hope we can stay like this tomorrow!"
I went to my locker and stuffed my thing in and brought out my p.e clothes to change when someone was leaning on my locker.
"You did great, Luna. I am proud of you." He said.
"Thanks, but I didn't need your compliments, and why did you say you were proud of me? Did I not do good before?"
"Well, um...never mind."Jackson said. "See you in p.e." Then he went to the boys bathroom.
I went to the girls bathroom and changed into my own p.e clothes, when I heard gossips again.
"Geez, Luna is always a goody two shoes. Hate her! Uuuuuuuggggh,"
Sigh. "I wish I can kill her too."
Then the gossips stopped but started whispering which I couldn't hear.
"You wanna..."
I quickly take off my uniform and wore the exercising clothes. I didn't want the girls to know I was eavesdropping on them, but I had no choice but to tiptoe through the stalls and slowly opened the door. Crreeeeeaaak! I winced.
"Who's there?"one of the girls shouted.
I dashed through the space between the wall and door with no sound.
"I think it's some kind of rats, smart one. There's always been rats in the school." The girl assured her friend.
I sighed with relief knowing that they won't know it was me. I quickly ran to my class.
I was just arriving the class when Jackson interrupted me.
"Why are your clothes that see through?" He asked. I stared at my shirt and saw my pink bra. I suddenly slapped him without thinking. Gasp. "O my god. I am so sorry!" I cried. "I didn't think before I did that! Jackson, I am so sorry! Please forgive me!"
"It's okay, calm down. I am not gonna blame you." He said which put me at ease.
"Wanna go shopping today after school to buy you suitable clothes? Tomorrow's Saturday so we can also spend time together."
"Yeah sure, as an apology for slapping you." I smiled warmly.
The p.e class started.

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