Love Start (ᏟᎻᎪᏢᎢᎬᎡ 12)

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"Wait, what!?" I said.
" Luna? What happened?" I whirled my head to see Jackson awake, rubbing his eyes. I ended the call and I slowly approached him. "Jackson, I never knew we had such a coincidence, and that we were meant to be together," I stated.
"Huh? What are you talking about? We were always meant to be together!" Jackson said.
"So you mean you knew that I will be your future wife?" I asked suspiciously.
" seems you remembered after that car accident, impressive." He said. What? I looked at him with a serious face. So... the dreams were my memories?
"Luna, I will tell you this, don't get mad. I will always love and protect you and not because of this, but because of my own free will," Jackson explained. "We had an arranged marriage when we were little, we were great neighbors and helped each other out."
"Oh really?" So my nightmares are true? Wait, they are my memories!
"So now do you remember?" Jackson asked.
"Well some, I will try to remember more." I promised as my fingers connected with my temple.
"Hey, don't be too harsh on yourself. I will help you recover them, just take it easy." Jackson warned, "your body can't handle it by itself."
I smiled, " heh. Thank you, I love you by my own free will too."

Jackson's POV...
"Wait what?" I woke up at a sudden voice.
"Luna? What happened?" I asked.
"Jackson, I never knew we had such a coincidence and that we were meant to be together." Luna stated. Huh?
"Huh? What are you talking about? We were always meant to be together!" I said. I am really confused. Did she not make me her boyfriend before?
"So you mean you knew that I will be your future wife?" Luna asked suspiciously...wait, did she figure it out? Where did she get that information? Form who? Hmmm...At least she knows a bit now.
" seems you remembered after that car accident, impressive." I said. Luna gave me a mature face, so does she remember?
"Luna, I will tell you this, don't get mad. I will always love and protect you and not because of this, but because of my own free will," I explained. "We had an arranged marriage when we were little, we were great neighbors and helped each other out."

Flashback (Jackson's)
"Little Luna, go play with your big brother next door! And tell his family, we will be there shortly." Luna's mom said. ( big brother in Chinese tradition sometimes mean sibling brother, and to call an elder male, like the Korean oppa, they should be called big brother.)
Luna smiled, " Okay." She slipped to the next door house and saw me helping out with my parents. Luna waved at me and smiled. Her smile makes me want to stare at her lips all day. Pink shaded small lips make her so beautiful and adorable to bite on...wait did I just say that?
My mom saw me staring at her and quickly clear up the awkwardness for me.
"Oh, it's cute chibi Na Na!" Mom made her blush hard. ( Na Na is a nickname for Luna my mom created)
*giggles. "Miss Yi, you flatter me." Luna complimented.
"Oh it's nothing, it's just a short little comment." *Wink. "Dinners almost ready, where is your parents?" Mom said.
"About that, they said they will be here shortly, please wait a few minutes, we apologize for the long wait." Luna bowed, knees and feet together, her bowing is 90 degrees down as she faces the ground.
"Wow, how respectful of her," Mom gasped as she said that to dad. "See, this is what I am talking about, she..." I couldn't hear the last part when Luna's family arrived with large present like bags.
"Oh welcome! Welcome! Welcome! We are glad you came, this will be a huge feast!" My parents stated.
"Oh of course we came! You are like a dear family to us! How could we not come?" Miss Yi said. (Aka Luna's mom) "Oh! And by the way, these bags are little Jackson's clothes, and some wine and cosmetics for you and your husband!"
"Oh my! Thank you but you don't have to buy them!"
"It's fine, as a small special present to this dinner. And I heard we have some special meeting for this."
"Yes, lets head in and talk," My parents held out their hands as they welcomed them in.
"Luna, how about you sit with Jackson so you kiddos could talk easily." We did as Mr. Yi told us to. "Please make this as your home, let's start eating!" Dad said.
Luna and I quickly finished our bowl of fried rice, and sat there waiting to be excused.
"Mom, Dad, Auntie and Uncle Yi, could we be excused to play?" I asked.
"Don't always think of pla-" Dad started, but were cut off by Uncle.
"Sure! Go play, have fun!" Auntie said. Then she turned and whispered to dad it's okay, and to let him let us go. My parents' house is a Minka, a traditional Japanese house with sliding doors, and my dining room is connected with our backyard so our parents could see us play.
"Come! Come! Let's play hide and seek, big brother!" Luna called.
"Sure! I will start the counting then!" I counted slowly to ten giving her some little time to hide. I searched for her, and saw a piece of cloth sticking out of a big boulder. I heard our parents talking about some arranged marriage, and something about us. I wasn't trying to get suspicious, so I kept playing.
"Got you!" I yelled as I tackled her down.
"Kyyaaahhh! Aha ha! It's tickles!" Luna squealed.
"Heh heh. Ha!" I kept on tackling her but my hands got trapped between her elbow and waist, that I got pulled in and slammed into her mouth. This was our second kiss, why does every kiss is an accident? Everything went quiet, the crickets, talking from the adults, and time seemed to stop. When I parted us, I looked at the grown-ups, they were staring at us.
"This is not what you are thinking! It was all an accident! Don't misunderstand us!" I panicked.
"Don't be, but you two clearly made the example of what we were talking about. An example of sweet couples getting ready for an arranged wedding. How 'bout that?" Auntie Yi clapped her hands together.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2020 ⏰

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