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Luna's POV~
Everyone left leaving me with Jackson. I turn around, and Jackson quickly hugs me. "Please forgive me, Luna, I wasn't sure if that was me, I was losing control of myself," Jackson explains. He is hugging me tightly, gripping my arms so hard.
"I wasn't sure if that was my Jackson either, but since everyone forgave you, then that means the problem is solved."
"Thanks for understanding, Luna, you have a good heart." Jackson leans in closer staring into my eyes. "And that's why I chose you to be my soulmate forever."
I blushed. Why do I blush like every single compliment he always say? If I continue like this, I would never be used to his love.
I breathed in and exhaled. "Thank you for the compliment, you are also a very kind gentleman, but it's just that you panic a lot at the sight of me with someone else." I cupped his face with both my hands. "You are always my soulmat-" I couldn't finish my sentence when Jackson kissed me. We were cuddling forever, it's getting hot. Pant, pant. "Jackson..." I wanted more of his love, so we kissed again, we kissed more but slowly enjoying this moment.
"Stay tonight." He said.
At his choice of words, my feet became weak, I stumbled a bit. "Um...sure, but may I ask why?"
"I want to be with you, I don't want to be alone," Jackson said with puppy eyes, I just can't say no to such an adorable face. (^_^;) (>_<) (~_~;) (T^T) (T^T)
Sigh. "Fine."
Then Jackson gave me a smirk.

"But just don't do anything funny

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"But just don't do anything funny. You got that?" I reminded.
He walked away to his driver without saying anything to me.Well, I guess that's a yes. Right? Then Jackson directed him to drive us to his house. Fans saw Jackson and started squealing loudly! Some were even trying to hug him, we got in as fast as we could while other fans started chasing after us. But we soon lost them. Whew.
We arrived shortly to a pinkish reddish house, I knew it. His favorite color is red just like mine. We said goodbye to the driver and we went in. Oh no, I just remembered something.
"Um, Jackson this is uncomfortable to say but do you have any ....cough cough, girl's stuff?"
"Yup." At that moment my heart sank for no reason, hmmm or is there a reason? Am I jealous? No way. Wait,  I AM jealous, I am supposed to be his girlfriend, I totally forgot that I am his. Ugh! I can't forgive him!
"Why is your face all in a frown? Are you unhappy that I have girl's stuff and you thought it was some fans or my ex-girlfriend?" Jackson asked curiously. "Well please don't worry, it's my mom's. She died when I was young...sigh."
Omg! I didn't think I brought this part up, I feel so sorry. Now truly I will forgive him.
"Jackson, please forgive me, I wasn't ringing it up on purpose, I am very sorry."
"No it's okay, all in the past," he shrugged it off. "You want dinner right now while you go shower?"
"Sure!" I said with a happy smile. " oh, um, where can I find the clothes?"
"It's in the room near mine, mine has two fox stickers on it. Also, the clothes will be yours to wear."
"Thank you and by the way, I love foxes, and I love you." I gave him a peck on his cheek.
I rushed past Jackson's room, and went into his mom's. I looked through some drawers and finally found what I want. I gathered the pajamas and undergarments. And took a long peaceful shower. The hot water spreading across my body, the shower gel making my body smooth and has a flowery smell. I washed it off and got out of the shower. I quickly put on the clothes and went out of the room. Just as I went out, I smelled deliciously yummy chow mein and the other that smells like spring rolls.
"Jackson, you are so good at cooking! I can smell the food from the rooms!" I was so happy.
"Let me help, Jackson, you've done enough."
"Dinner's finished already, go and sit over there."
I quickly helped him put the plates on the dining table and helped him to his seat. We ate quietly feeling the awkwardness piling up. So I started the conversation first.
"Mmmm, this chow mein that you made is very tasty, I love it. Can you teach me sometime?" I asked.
"Sure, whatever you want, eventually this house will be yours." Jackson said happily.
"But won't your fans get mad? Jealous? One thing is for sure," I held my finger up and said, " they will kill me."
He put my finger down as fast as he could and held it at his heart. I could fill his heart beating. " No one will dare to touch my girl, and no one will kill her, not even me." He smiled. I am touched, Jackson is really a sweet perfect boy. I thought for a moment, But no one is actually perfect...
Jackson and I were done with dinner and I decided to help him wash. I scrubbed the oily dishes with soap and dried them with towels. After I was done, I started to relax.
"I am going to bath, could you help brush my back later?"
My head filled with concerns. Is he luring me to do something dirty? Wait, scrubbing his back is just daily things to do in a bath. Nothing serious...my head started to hurt form thinking too much.
"Okay," I finally spoke up.
As Jackson went to bath, I blind folded myself and took a small towel. As I went in, I could fell my cheeks becoming red.
"I am over here."
I lead myself to his voice, the bathroom is already hot with steam and the hot water. I fell my back and body becoming sweaty. He took my hand and leaded it to his back.
His back was very hot and wet, as I dipped the towel and gently scrubbed his back. I helped put some shower gel over his top body. I got up, took some bath water in my hands and pour it all over his body.
"I am done, mind if you get my clothes?" Jackson asked sweetly.
"No.." I went to get his clothes and returned but slipped on a puddle of water near the bath. Jackson quickly got up (naked) and caught me. But while I fell, I rushed to throw the clothes to Jackson which he quickly covered his private parts. (Lol)
"You okay?" He concerned.
"Um...yes, sorry!"
I turned around and stepped out of the bathroom, feeling my face. My face was so hot and red, I think I will get a fever. Jackson came out too, this time he was all dressed in his pajamas.
"Can I go to sleep? I don't think I am feeling well," I said.
"Sleep in my room then," Jackson responded.
"Why, can I go to your mom's room to sleep?"
"Uh no, because....because It's old and umm...it's just not for my girlfriend." He said making a horrible excuse.
"Fine, okay, but where will you sleep?"
"On the same bed." He smiled.
"What? No-" Jackson grabbed my hand and put me in a bridal style. We went to his room and he threw me gently on his bed.
"I am sorry, I can't stand without kissing you..." He smushed his mouth to my lips. After a few minutes of kissing. He kissed me violently, licking down my neck and putting his tongue into my mouth. "Mmmmfff!" I cried, refusing anymore of him.
He eventually stopped crushing his lips to mine one last time before we went to sleep. "I will wait until you've found the right time to grow up and learn."
"Learn what? I am already grown up, what are you talking about?" I questioned.
"S**." Instantly, I regretted what I said. I am embarrassed.
"Okay now, stop talking, go to sleep." I excused myself myself from all of this and put myself in a comfortable position until Jackson put his hand under my waist which leads him to hugging me.
"Goodnight, I love you," Jackson whispered.
I smiled under the blankets. "Goodnight."

Hey readers! How's my story? Do you all like it? If so, please comment. This chapter is my longest, I will work hard and do my best to improve and make my story the best! And lastly, please keep supporting me! I love you, my readers! ~Pink Cherry 🍒

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