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Luna's POV ~
"Luna, you ready?" Jackson asked.
"Sure, let's call this a date," I smirked.
Jackson picked out his phone and called his driver. When the driver wheeled into the school, students were snapping pictures at Jackson. "Kyaaa, he's so gorgeous, jealous of that girl."
"She's so full of herself, how lucky!"
Then Jackson laid his hands out and said ladies first. Sigh. What a gentleman. I settled in with Jackson.
"Mr. Zhang, please drop us at the mall closest to our school. Thank you."
"All for you, sir." His manager said.
We arrived at the mall. So big and grand filled with famous cosmetics, elegant clothes, and delicious tempting foods. "Pick whatever you want, I will pay for you."
In that instant, my eyes landed on a set; silk shirt, long black belt, fashion looking pants, and a pair of dark black boots.

"In that instant, my eyes landed on a set; silk shirt, long black belt, fashion looking pants, and a pair of dark black boots

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"May I please have this set, Jackson?" I asked.
"As you wish."
He bought them and helped me carry the bag. " Aww, Jackson, you don't have to carry it." I said. "I can carry it myself."
I held out my hand but he brushed it aside. "Luna, it's okay. This is all for you, my love."
I flushed. "I am not your love-"
"Then who are you?" Jackson asked curiously.
"I am...your friend?" I said with a question mark at the end.
"No, you are my girlfriend." Jackson smirks. He is so smart, surprising me every time. I blush even more. He comes closer as I back away, I eventually bump into the wall. I look back. Oh no, now I am trapped. Boom! His hand flew next to my head. His face coming closer, breath on my neck. Suddenly, I feel so off guard as our lips connect to each other. Jackson's tongue licking my lips. Mmmm, his lips are so smooth. His cherry breath smells great like always. Then the kissing becomes more intense for me. His tongue starts to ask an entrance from my lips, and our tongue slide together.
"My sweet 宝贝. I ...love...you," This reminds me of his song 宝贝 for his little brother. Wonder how he's little brother is doing. Jackson's eyes flew open. "Oh no, I wasn't supposed to say that." Jackson exclaimed. "I got caught off guard." Same here.
"Jackson, since we both know we like each other, and we are a couple now, maybe we shouldn't be so surprised. I love you no matter what we do." I said.
"Ahem!Cough. Cough." We both looked to see Roy and Karry.
"Sorry but did we interrupt your lovey dovey sweet daydreaming?" Roy said.
"Well, I am jealous," he said. "That little girl's supposed to be with me!" He looks like he's going to cry. Sigh. I will soothe him later.
"Who said I was supposed to be with you? And I am not a little girl." I confronted.
"Jackson is not a suitable type for you-" Roy got cut off by Jackson holding him by the collar of his shirt.
"Nobody dares to say I am not a suitable boyfriend for Luna. And I am the one who decides if I should be with her or not." Jackson hissed with deadly aura. Both Karry and Roy backed away.
"Heheheh bro, we were just joking around," Karry joked, "Right Roy?" The start of an uncomfortable fight begins.
"Gasp! Jackson! How dare you?" Roy barked back. "I am older than you, so you should respect me!" Jackson slapped him in the face.
Roy touched his face and his mouth was covered with blood. "How could You! I will kill you! You are nothing to Luna, she will soon love me more than you. Hahahaha!"
Then both Jackson and Roy lunged at each other and attacked.

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