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"Them!" Kelly screamed, "It's the tfboys! Omg, I can't believe they are here in our school!"
I looked and saw the boy I bumped into earlier. I was so surprised. Roy and ...hmm... The other boys I assume are Karry and Jackson were walking into class surrounded by groups of girls from different grades. Some girls were cuddling their arms and some were trying to get their attention by flirting with them. I rolled my eyes, and I don't even care. Too much attention gets too much spotlight and they will ruin class time. Ugh!
Then the bell rang and everyone settled in class. The one who is taller sat next to me, and I think he is Karry due to a lot of girls who keep calling his name out. The boy who has a back jacket over his uniform and looks very hot sitting on my left is Jackson. And finally, on my right is Roy who I've bumped into.
Karry tapped Roy's shoulder and whispered which I can hear what he said since I am sitting next to Roy.
" Roy, I think she's the one who accidentally bumped into you," Karry smirked. " Go say hi to her."
"..." Roy stares at Karry. And spun his head toward my direction.
"Hey cute one, remember me?" Roy flirted. "I am Roy Wang, new in this class as well as my friends." When he said friends, he turned his head and gave Karry a cold glare. Then held out his hand wanting to have a little handshake.
"Hi, I am Luna," I said. " Nice to meet you and welcome to our school." I also held out my hand and shook his. I turned to Jackson and Karry and shook our hands too. Suddenly the teacher, Mr. Tyler came into the room. We bowed and said "Hello, Mr. Tyler." When we sat down, I felt eyes on my back and a chill went down my spin.
" Ugh! She gets to shake their hands! So unfair!" Someone said.
" Yeah and I heard she bumped into them this morning." *Sigh. " How I wish I could bump into them every single morning." All this gossip swirled into my head and I felt a little bit dizzy. Bruh, I don't want to shake their hands, I am better off being alone. You think I want to introduce myself? They are new to this school, so deal with it!"

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