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"Hey, you were supposed to aim at Luna! Not at Jackson!" A voice whispered.
"S-sorry! I was trying to aim at her, when he blocked it." Another voice squealed.
"Now what are we gonna do. Sigh."
I turned at the sound of footsteps. There was this girl I've met before, the one who gave me the scornful look, and another girl who I assume is her companion.
"Sorry~Pretty boy, we were just playing around." The girl who's the companion flirted. "I tripped over a rock, and the ice cream accidentally slipped outa my head."
The girl gave Jackson a sad face. Then she wiped the ice cream off his jacket with her fingers. "It's still sweet right?" She licked it off her fingers. Eeek. Eww. I could see Jackson's disgusted face. Unexpectedly, the girl jumped onto Jackson's body and kissed his cheek and made everyone shock. Gasp. That's pass the line! Ugh. Is she trying to test my patience? I will not lose, I need to stand up for myself.
"Hey, don't you know he already has a girlfriend?" I declared.
"Oh, so sorry, didn't you see you there!"*Wink. Ugh! The nerve! She gets on my nerve!
"Plus, he didn't even propose to you correctly right? So I guess that doesn't count~❤️."
The girl is trying to be smart, but she doesn't have to be that rude!
"If that's the case, then Jackson is ours." *giggle. The other girl stated and came cuddling on my Jackson.
"I am sorry, but even though I didn't propose or even ask her, I mean it that I love her no matter what." Jackson looked at me with pure, innocent eyes. He set the girls down and came walking to me. I held out my arms to give him a hug when the girl who acts like the boss fell on her knees cuddling his leg not wanting him go. "You sure you don't want us? We have money, girls...everything you could have ever want, every man wants this and you don't?"
"You sure..I mean just look at our clothes! We have fame, we are rich because we come from a wealthy popular family, she-she doesn't even have those! Just look at h-"
"I said NO!"
"O-okay, one day you will regret it! Let's go find our bosses, Lina!"
"B-b-but we didn't even-"
"I said Let's go!"
"Wait! Who's your bosses?" I asked holding out my hand.
"Why should we tell you huh junk?"
"Hey, watch what you are saying! Who are you calling junk?" Jackson demanded.
"Oh I am sorry, our bosses are your best friends well I think until now." They said.
"Awwww, heart broken? I bet..." Ugh! Could they just stop being so...mean?
"Kelly and Andria? Why would they do this to us? Are they mad at me? But why? What did I do wrong?"
"Heh. Maybe you should try talking to them, that way you will get the answers you needed. Later~"
They walked away as they faded into the distance. So it's really them, I was not wrong. Hmm..but why?
"Don't mind them, let's just-" Jackson started.
"Let's just finish this another time, please?" I asked.
"Um...sure, but why did you change this to another time? Is it because of those girls? I'd didn't mean to-"
"No, I just don't feel well."
"Oh okay, I um...I will call my manager to drive us home."
We didn't speak another word during the ride, feeling the cold silence piling up until the driver broke the ice.
"Hey kids, what did you guys do today? Had fun?"
"Yeah we had...fun."
"Well you guys should be, hey brighten up."
I looked up and saw the manager staring at me.
"Oh um...sorry, I was just thinking how Jackson and I had so much fun in the park."
I put up my best happy smile.
"We arrived safely at your house, Jackson, and have fun, bye kids." The driver stated.
Jackson pulled me up and held me onto the couch. As Jackson slowly closed the door I heard the driver mumbled some thing.
"Hmph, don't even say a thank you," sigh. "Kids these days, oh well, gotta go."
Sigh. "I am so sorry Jackson, I am just not feeling well."
"Don't be, here let these cover you."
He put his jacket on my body. "Hey! You are shaking! Are you cold? I will get medicine!"
"Wait! I don't think I need medicine, just hug me for now, please?" I begged.
"Okay, just this once I will let you off the hook." He held out his arms and I cuddled into him.
"Feeling any better?" Jackson asked. "Mmhhmmm." I nodded.
Tick tock tick tock.
Slowly and slowly me and Jackson drifted off to sleep.
A few hours passed ~
Ring! Ring! Ring!
I woke up feeling my body is warm. I looked at my dear Jackson sleeping beside me.
Ring! Ring! Ring!
I quickly got up and answered the call not wanting to wake Jackson up.
"LUNA, I WAS SO WORRIED! I DIDN'T EVEN GET A CALL THESE DAYS, I GOT SO WORRIED!" Owwwie, my ears. "Where are you?" My auntie asked anxiously.
"I am at um..my boyfriend's house...?" I feel my face with my hands. Why is it so hot?
"You've got a boyfriend? When?"
"Well, um long story anyways you need to relax, auntie."
"I am at the sound of your voice, now what's your boyfriend's name?"
"Um..it's Jackson-"
"What's his last name?"
"The same as mine, Yi." I answered.
"Wait, really? You've got to be kidding! I thought he was in another city!"
"Huh? You know Jackson? Wait, are you his fan?" I asked suspiciously.
"No! Of course not! He is your long-lost-meant-to-be-future husband!"
"Wait what???!!!" Well, that came out sudden.
Lol. Hey guys! Sorry for the lack of updating, please forgive me! I am busy during the summer break, but I promise I will try my best! I love you my readers! Thank you guys! ~Cherry. 🍒🍒🍒

🌟a wonderful day.
Bid you farewell!

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